061106 – Monday – Major Storm

– We’ve closed the nursery for the balance of the day. There’s a major storm raging here in the US Pacific Northwest. Rivers are at or past flood stage in most of western Washington State and rainfall records are being broken. It’s a great excuse to play hooky. We didn’t have any customers all day except for one landscaper who wanted to come in and recycle used nursery pots. And he clipped and nearly took down one of our front gate posts trying to come in. As it is, the gate and how it swings now is defintely a bit different than it was yesterday.

– When we moved up from Southern California to western Washington back in 1990, we had a storm like this. They called it the 1990 Thanksgiving (November) storm. The weather casters are saying that this one is the same or bigger than that one and that was the worst we’ve seen in terms of flooding in 16 years here.

– Our properties are on high ground so floodings not an issue for us here. I think we’re going to go out and get a latte at our local Starbucks and then go riding around and take a look at the rivers and the flooding. It’ll be a bit of an adventure and it’s a good thing for us to do together as we’re about to be separated for nearly three months while I’m off in New Zealand.

– My prepartions for going, by the way, are coming together nicely now and I think I will be ready and organized come Thursday when I depart. It’ll be quite a change from the winter storms here to the summer sun in Christchurch. Life is interesting.

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