070407 – Saturday – Life in the fast lane

Things have been extremely busy here at our business for the last week or so and so my posting rate has definitely dipped.

In that time, I’ve completely gutted the core of our irrigation system and then replaced it. The good news is that it all works now as intended and just in time as mother nature has seen fit to give us a burst of very strange weather. I discuss the irrigation project (along with pictures) here: .

The weather has, indeed, been odd here in western Washington State in the USA this year. I’ve posted about that as well here: .

Other things have been afoot that I’ve wanted to post about but, thus far, I’ve just been too busy or too tired in the evenings.

For instance, I doubt that anyone on the planet who follows environmental and global climate change issues could fail to be aware that the IPCC has released another report and it’s a doozy. The report was released officially on Friday, April 6th, but news outlets and bloggers have been all over early leaked versions for days. I was sorely tempted to join the fun but I decided to wait for the real document. I’ve posted here: on this subject. There you will find a number of links to various aspects and points-of-view on the new IPCC document. As ever, there is a strong undercurrent of doubt being expressed by various climate skeptics about the substance of the report. And, distressingly, as the report was going from its final draft form to its final release form, some nations weighed in (The US and China – most notably) and pushed to water down, what was the scientific consensus, for blatantly political concerns. But, in spite of this, the scientists who’ve released the final version say it is still a good reflection of the scientific consensus and it is a definite wake-up-call to humanity to recognize that we are all on-board a train-wreck in progress.

And then there are some friends of ours who are moving to Britain. That, in itself, isn’t so amazing. But the back-story behind why they are moving are interesting and should concern all of us if we love this country. I Blog about that here: .

And, finally, a friend heard me make a comment the other day that if one resists change when it comes, then it will, in effect, begin to stalk you and the pressure to change will increase until your hand is forced. She wanted me to say more about this and so I’ve written a philosophy piece on this, here: .

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