Posts Tagged ‘Fathers Day’

The Last Father’s Day

Sunday, June 15th, 2008

– This post from over on the Climate Progress Blog is well worth a read. Do the fathers in our Baby Boomer generation deserve a Father’s Day? I agree with the author – I’m beginning to think we don’t.

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So when will the last Father’s Day be?

Proposed nearly a century ago to honor the “strength and selflessness” of fathers, the underlying premise of the holiday is that fathers selflessly work hard to ensure their children have a better future than they did. Interestingly, “the holiday was not officially recognized until 1972.”

Certainly it made sense to honor the fathers who came from the Greatest Generation, with their grit and determination to win WWII. But on our current path, for the first time in US history, we know with high confidence that thanks to our actions (and our inactions) our children will not face a better future, quite the reverse (see “Is 450 ppm politically possible? Part 0: The alternative is humanity’s self-destruction.”)

No books will be written labeling the Baby Boom generation, the “Greatest Generation” or even the “Second Greatest Generation.” Right now, we’re not even in the top 10.

Selflessness? Try selfishness. We appear unwilling to shift even 1.1% of our fabulous wealth toward the clean energy investments needed to avert catastrophe….
