Archive for 2006

Fake TV News: Widespread and Undisclosed

Wednesday, June 21st, 2006

A multimedia report on television newsrooms’ use of material provided by PR firms on behalf of paying clients

Over a ten-month period, the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) documented television newsrooms’ use of 36 video news releases (VNRs)—a small sample of the thousands produced each year. CMD identified 77 television stations, from those in the largest to the smallest markets, that aired these VNRs or related satellite media tours (SMTs) in 98 separate instances, without disclosure to viewers. Collectively, these 77 stations reach more than half of the U.S. population. The VNRs and SMTs whose broadcast CMD documented were produced by three broadcast PR firms for 49 different clients, including General Motors, Intel, Pfizer and Capital One. In each case, these 77 television stations actively disguised the sponsored content to make it appear to be their own reporting. In almost all cases, stations failed to balance the clients’ messages with independently-gathered footage or basic journalistic research. More than one-third of the time, stations aired the pre-packaged VNR in its entirety.

Norway building ‘doomsday vault’ to protect seeds

Monday, June 19th, 2006

OSLO, Norway (AP) — It sounds like something from a science fiction film — a doomsday vault carved into a frozen mountainside on a secluded Arctic island ready to serve as a Noah’s Ark for seeds in case of a global catastrophe.

But Norway’s ambitious project is on its way to becoming reality. Construction began Monday on the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, designed to house as many as 3 million of the world’s crop seeds.

There’s a mystery at the edge of our solar system

Monday, June 19th, 2006

30 Years of Pioneer Spacecraft Data Rescued:
The Planetary Society Enables Study of the Mysterious Pioneer AnomalyPasadena, CA, —There’s a mystery at the edge of our solar system.  Two spacecraft, Pioneers 10 and 11, which were launched to Jupiter and Saturn more than 30 years ago, are hurtling towards the edge of our solar system — but at a slower than expected rate.  Called the “Pioneer Anomaly,” the effect of this slowing is small, but measurable, and so far unexplained. 

Book – One with Nineveh by Paul & Anne Ehrlich

Saturday, June 17th, 2006

Yet, if humanity is to deal successfully with issues of population, consumption, and power, the governance of the world clearly needs to be reorganized.  Impractical?  Not at all; nothing could be more practical to do.  Unrealistic or even politically impossible?  Maybe.  Once again, nothing is bound to prove ultimately more impractical than ignoring the global maldistribution of power, since it is one of the main driving forces of the human predicament.  Corporate behavior, we have seen, is directly responsible for much of the deterioration of the human environment, has played a major role in the generation of resource wars, and is indirectly responsible for many of the world’s consumption patterns.   Corporations have begun to slip out of civilization’s control.  These fictional individuals, functioning as the tools of very real individuals and the governments they often control, are becoming a law unto themselves in their effects on Earth’s environmental systems.   Those who worry about the world being taken over by computer robots actually should have a more immediate concern.

      Paul Ehrlich
      Bing Professor of Populations Studies, Department of 
      Biological Sciences, Stanford University

The thing that most characterizes the Ehrlich’s book for me is their balance and depth, in that they touch on virtually every issue I’ve listed in the issues section.  They tackle all of the major issues and trace each to their causal roots with unblinking clarity.  Paul Ehrlich has been involved with these issues since he wrote The Population Bomb in 1968 and his long years of familiarity with the subject matter show in the completeness of this book.

The Ehrlichs begin by comparing where we are now in history with where Mesopotamia was just before it imploded from abuse of its formerly abundant natural resources.  Today, the area is a wasteland and we have a lot to learn from their hubris.

To my full review:

To the book at Amazon:


The Rainwater Prophecy

Friday, June 16th, 2006

Richard Rainwater made billions by knowing how to PROFIT FROM A CRISIS. Now he foresees the biggest one yet.



Climate skeptics at it again

Wednesday, June 14th, 2006

When climate skeptics spread disinformation to muddy the public’s understanding of climate issues, they are doing more than just protecting the economic interests of certain industries whose profits depend on us continuing to burn ever larger and larger amounts of fossil fuels.

They are also slowing the public awareness of the problem which necessarily must proceed political action. And their short-sighted gains will be to the long-term detriment of all of us and of many generations yet to come.

So I was bummed to see that Slashdot, which generally has interesting content, put up a piece today, Scientists Respond to Gore on Global Warming, by Tom Harris claiming that the entire impending climate crisis is an illusion and that this is the opinion of most climate scientists. Note that the Slashdot piece refers to an article which initially appeared in the Canadian Free Press.

I read through a lot of the comments that followed and found one that clearly exposed Harris for the energy industry shill that he is. This article is by Jon Bennett and was published in The Hamilton Spectator on March 21st, 2002. Its full text can be found here:

Climate skeptic misinterprets global warming

But, in the end, I don’t think someone like Harris cares if he’s revealed as a low-life. All the comments and claims and counter claims that followed his article are just what he wants – a lot of churn and back and forth that only serves to reinforce the public’s perception that the jury’s still out on the Climate Crisis question when, in fact, it is not.

So the real winner here was Harris in that he got Slashdot to give him a bully pulpit to sow confusion from. And the real losers are us because everytime John Q public walks away from one of these fiascos thinking that the climate question is still up in the air, it delays the day when we begin to take serious action on the problem and deepens the already gathering consequences. And the real stupidity here is Slashdot’s in giving him a stage to bray from.

Some journalists believe it is their ‘duty’ to give all points of view equal time. But when the two points of view are real science vs. politically and profit motivated science and when what’s at stake is the world’s future climate, I think they need to extend themselves a little and consider common sense and responsibility a bit more.

Book – Plan B by Lester R. Brown

Tuesday, June 13th, 2006

Plan B not only argues … for the restructuring of the economy, it points out why this needs to be done at wartime speed.  Time is running out.  Whereas historically we lived off the interest generated by the earth’s natural capital assets, we are now consuming those assets themselves.  We have built an environmental bubble economy, one where economic output is artificially inflated by overconsumption of the earth’s natural assets.  The challenge today is to deflate the bubble before it bursts.

Lester R. Brown
Founder and former President of The World Watch Institute
Founder and President of the Earth Policy Institute
Plan B, like the Ehrlich’s One with Nineveh, is a strongly balanced book written by an author deeply familiar with the subject matter.

In addition to discussing the global environmental crisis in great detail, Brown spends a good deal of time thinking about where the first environmental meltdowns are likely to occur and what effects they might have.  One area that concerns him is China with its 1.3 billion people.

To my full review

To the book at Amazon:

Brown has published an updated verion of his book called Plan B 2.0.

To the new version at Amazon:


Book – Boiling Point by Ross Gelbspan

Tuesday, June 13th, 2006

 …it is worth repeating that climate change is not just another issue in this complicated world of proliferating issues. It is the issue that, unchecked, will swamp all the other issues.

                Ross Gelbspan
                Long time reporter for The Philadelphia Bulletin,
                The Washington Post and The Boston Globe
                Joint-Winner of the Pulitzer Prize

Of the several authors I’ve read on the Climate Crisis, Gelbspan is the most sensationalistic and the least careful about the quality of his sources. He cites facts drawn from newspapers side-by-side with facts drawn from peer-reviewed publications. He is a reporter first rather than dyed-in-the-wool environmentalist and he is relatively new to the subject. One gets the impression that the facts he pulls together are organized as much to shock his readers as to educate them. He is passionate and even angry about his subject. He is honest, however – the facts and the general patterns of information that he provides are, indeed, the same facts and patterns that appear in the other books. But, unlike the others, he is obsessed with the goal of dealing with global warming and unconcerned with impartially telling both sides or in alienating anyone. Whereas other authors will murmur about the inertia of vested interests in the oil and coal industries, Gelbspan will point-blank call the same thing ‘crimes against humanity’. Whereas most of the others want to preserve their ability to work with the administration when necessary, and thus gently coax and chide it, Gelbspan doesn’t care and his recounting of the sequence and events of this and previous administration’s malfeasance on climate issues is brutally candid.
To the full review:

To the book at Amazon:  


The Purpose Driven Life Takers – Part 5

Monday, June 12th, 2006

Finally, the other shoe has dropped among conservative Christians.

The Christian supremacist video game Left Behind: Eternal Forces has drawn the wrath of conservative Christian attorney Jack Thompson. He has denounced and cut ties with Tyndale House, publisher of the Left Behind novels that inspired the video game, and he is now threatening a lawsuit over its licensing of the game. Talk to Action has obtained a letter from Mr. Thompson in which he has urged Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, Ph.D., to join him in repudiating Tyndale House.

Mr. Thompson has charged that in licensing the game, Tyndale House, publisher of his own book against video game violence as well as the Living Word Bible and several of Mr. Dobson’s titles on child-rearing, “has now become one of the mental molesters of minors for money.” Full story:

Book – Red Sky at Morning by James Gustave Speth

Sunday, June 11th, 2006

“One thing is clear; the needed changes will not simply happen. No hidden hand is guiding technology or the economy towards sustainability. The issues on the global environmental agenda are precisely the type of issues – long term, chronic, complex – where genuine, farsighted leadership from elected officials as at a premium. But we have not seen this leadership emerge, and we have waited long enough. What we need now is an international movement of citizens and scientists, one capable of dramatically advancing the political and personal actions needed for the transition to sustainability.

James Gustave Speth
Dean & Professor – Yale School of Forestry & Environmental studies

I’ve read a number of books in the last few years on the coming global climate crisis and Speth’s is probably the one I would give the highest rating to. What sets Speth off from other authors is the fact that whereas they may have written extensively on the global environmental crisis, he has spent much of his life working directly on environmental issues through lawsuits, legislation, environmental research, serving as an advisor to presidents Carter and Clinton and in international negotiations to implement various treaties, conventions and protocols. 

To the full review:

To the Book at Amazon: