Archive for 2007

Single-largest Biodiversity Survey Says Primary Rainforest Is Irreplaceable

Sunday, December 9th, 2007

Let me count the ways I have no faith in how things are going and how mankind is reacting to the looming problems.

The destruction of the world’s rain forests has gone on decade after decade without abatement. The amount lost every year is well documented and much hang-wringing goes on but, still, the destruction continues.

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There’s money in that illegal logging and there’s land to farm under those trees. There are minerals out there, hidden in the jungle. Like a great swarm of ants loose in the cupboard, we just can’t seem to find the will to leave it all alone.

One thing is for certain – we are not short of persuasive reasons to leave it alone.

But, that’s one of the big reasons to be discouraged about all of this. Reasons – good valid, solid, scientific reasons are not enough for us. Most of us will only ‘get it’ when our own houses are burning down around our ears.

Even here in New Zealand, the govrnment cannot find the moral will or political capital to ban all wood imports sourced from illegal logging. So much for their self-appointed ‘clean and green’ image.


ScienceDaily (Nov. 15, 2007) — As world leaders prepare to discuss conservation-friendly carbon credits in Bali and a regional initiative threatens a new wave of deforestation in the South American tropics, new research from the University of East Anglia and Brazil’s Goeldi Museum highlights once again the irreplaceable importance of primary rain forest.

Working in the north-eastern Brazilian Amazon the international team of scientists undertook the single-largest assessment of the biodiversity conservation value of primary, secondary and plantation forests ever conducted in the humid tropics.

Over an area larger than Wales, the UEA and museum researchers surveyed five primary rain forest sites, five areas of natural secondary forest and five areas planted with fast-growing exotic trees (Eucalyptus), to evaluate patterns of biodiversity.

Following an intensive effort of more than 20,000 scientist hours in the field and laboratory, they collected data on the distribution of 15 different groups of animals (vertebrates and invertebrates) and woody plants, including well-studied groups such as monkeys, butterflies and amphibians and also more obscure species such as fruit flies, orchid bees and grasshoppers.

“We know that different species often exhibit different responses to deforestation and so we sought to understand the consequences of land-use change for as many species as possible,” said Dr Jos Barlow, a former post-doctoral researcher at UEA.

At least a quarter of all species were never found outside native primary forest habitat – and the team acknowledges that this is an underestimate. “Our study should be seen as a best-case scenario, as all our forests were relatively close to large areas of primary forests, providing ample sources for recolonisation,” said Dr Barlow.

“Many plantations and regenerating forests along the deforestation frontiers in South America and south-east Asia are much further from primary forests, and wildlife may be unable to recolonise in these areas.

“Furthermore, the percentage of species restricted to primary forest habitat was much higher (40-60%) for groups such as birds and trees, where we were able to sample the canopy species as well as those that live in the forest under-storey.”

These results clearly demonstrate the unique value of undisturbed tropical forests for wildlife conservation. However, they also show that secondary forests and plantations offer some wildlife benefits and can host many species that would be unable to survive in intensive agricultural landscapes such as cattle ranching or soybean plantations.


University of East Anglia. “Single-largest Biodiversity Survey Says Primary Rainforest Is Irreplaceable.” ScienceDaily 15 November 2007. 10 December 2007 .

Life and Death in Capitalist China

Sunday, December 9th, 2007

The Salt Lake City Tribune published a six part series recently about what the embrace of unencumbered Capitalism in China has meant for the workers there. This should be a wake up call for all of those who think that if Capitalism is unleashed, all our problems will be solved.

Their core idea that Libertarian Capitalism will solve everything because every time a problem arises, an entrepreneur will also arise to provide a solution – is deeply flawed. The only problems that get addressed are the ones that provide someone with a significant profit on the other end of the sequence. And the pell-mell rush to profit by the strong, using the weak as fodder, produces many problems of its own.

No, the political and governmental systems we devise must take the good of their people as their highest goal and limit Capitalism whenever its activities begin to impinge on that good. Capitalism is the engine of creation and advance but as an engine, it must be throttled and controlled so that it benefits all people and not just the rich and powerful.

Read the following to see just how very wrong things can go.

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Salt Lake Tribune Special Report:
Chinese workers lose their lives producing goods for America

By Loretta Tofani
Special to the Tribune

GUANGZHOU, China — The patients arrive every day in Chinese hospitals with disabling and fatal diseases, acquired while making products for America.

On the sixth floor of the Guangzhou Occupational Disease and Prevention Hospital, Wei Chaihua, 44, sits on his iron-rail bed, tethered to an oxygen tank. He is dying of the lung disease silicosis, a result of making Char-Broil gas stoves sold in Utah and throughout the U.S.

Down the hall, He Yuyun, 36, who for years brushed America’s furniture with paint containing benzene and other solvents, receives treatment for myelodysplastic anemia, a precursor to leukemia.

In another room rests Xiang Zhiqing, 39, her hair falling out and her kidneys beginning to fail from prolonged exposure to cadmium that she placed in batteries sent to the U.S.

“Do people in your country handle cadmium while they make batteries?” Xiang asks. “Do they also die from this?”

‘Big problem for Americans’
With each new report of lead detected on a made-in-China toy, Americans express outrage: These toys could poison children. But Chinese workers making the toys — and countless other products for America — touch and inhale carcinogenic materials every day, all day long: Benzene. Lead. Cadmium. Toluene. Nickel. Mercury.

Many are dying. They have fatal occupational diseases.

Mostly they are young, in their 20s and 30s and 40s. But they are dying, slow difficult deaths, caused by the hazardous substances they use to make products for the world — and for America. Some say these workers are paying the real price for America’s cheap goods from China.

“In terms of responsibility to Chinese society, this is a big problem for Americans,” said Zhou Litai, a lawyer from the city of Chongqing who has represented tens of thousands of dying workers in Chinese courts.

The toxins and hazards exist in virtually every industry, including furniture, shoes, car parts, electronic items, jewelry, clothes, toys and batteries interviews with workers confirm. The interviews were corroborated by legal documents, medical journal articles, medical records, import documents and official Chinese reports.

And although these products are being made for America most Chinese workers lack the health protections that for nearly half a century have protected U.S. workers, such as correct protective masks, booths that limit the spread of sprayed chemicals, proper ventilation systems and enforcement to ensure that their exposure to toxins will be limited to permissible doses measured in micrograms or milligrams.

Chinese workers also routinely lose fingers or arms while making American furniture, appliances and other metal goods. Their machines are too old to function properly or they lack safety guards required in the U.S.

In most cases, U.S. companies do not own these factories . American and multinational companies pay the factories to make products for America. From tiny A to Z Mining Tools in St. George to multinational corporations such as Reebok and IKEA, companies compete in the global marketplace by reducing costs — and that usually means outsourcing manufacturing to China. Last year, the U.S. imported $287.8 billion in goods from China, up from $51.5 billion a decade ago, according to the U.S. Commerce Department. Those imports are expected only to increase.

Never even visit the factories
Worker health and safety are considered basic human rights. But in the global economy, responsibility to workers often gets lost amid vast distances and international boundaries.

“This is a big-picture problem,” said Garrett Brown, an industrial hygienist from California who has inspected Chinese factories that export to America. “Big-picture problems don’t have quick or easy solutions.”

The International Labor Organization (ILO) publishes international standards for workplaces. China agreed to many of those standards and also enacted a 2002 law setting its own rigorous standards. Under Chinese law, workers have the legal right to remain safe from fatal diseases and amputations at work.

But the law has not been enforced, Chinese and international experts agree. Economic growth has been a more important goal to China than worker safety.

Even the World Trade Organization, which maintains some barriers to trade to protect consumers’ health, does not concern itself with issues of workers’ health. As a result, enforcement of health and safety standards has been left to the governments of developing countries and the companies that outsource to those countries.

Often, smaller companies never even visit the factories where their products are made. Larger companies try with only limited success to audit operations, often complaining that their efforts are failing. Records are falsified and unsafe machines are used after audits. Safety guards are removed so workers can produce faster.

“Through auditing tours, we can make good improvements and changes, but those changes are not sustainable,” complained Wang Lin, a manager for IKEA based in Shanghai. “Chinese government law enforcement is greatly needed,” added Wang. “Without that, companies cannot sustain a good compliance program.”


071209 – life is good

Saturday, December 8th, 2007

Life is good here in New Zealand. it’s 75 F outside and a light breeze is blowing and there’s all the sunlight and beauty anyone could want. Good friends, good tennis and, of course, my beautiful, beloved and very patient wife at home who is holding down the fort for me at the nursery – deep in the midst of the Washington winter – and all so I can be here enjoying all of this.

I am blessed – there is no doubt.

A good friend of mine here in New Zealand sent me a wonderful article this morning:

Forever young: understanding the true presence of Christ helps us become elders, not just elderly.

The truths the author talks about transcend any particular faith but I found them beautiful to read cloaked in Christian clothes as they were.

The essential truth that underlies all faiths can still find expression within them when the faithful seek substance over form and meaning and significance over dogma and conformity.

All faiths wither away over time under the onslaught of those who seek to explain and own their deep truths. But still, still, the light can shine forth from the midst of the edifice occasionally revealing the clear light of those who began the dance.


My motorcycle adventures continue unabated but I’m at peace with it all. It is all winding up towards a good completion and I am content to wait until all the wheels turn at their own pace.

When I last left off telling the saga of the motorcycle, I’d just been offered $300 USD by the shipping company as compensation for the trouble caused when they lost my title. And, I was wondering what my options were as $300 seemed almost an insult compared to the size of the inconvenience and expenses I’d been cast into.

Well, my decision was to carry the battle to the next level. I requested and obtained the E-mail identity and name of the V.P. at the shipping company who’d decided that $300 was fair compensation and I’d gotten clear on how the shipping company was organized (it’s actually five companies gathered together as one) and I’d determined who the top corporate officers were.

I told the lady who I’d been working with, who was also the individual that misplaced my title, that I was going to carry the matter to a higher level as I thought the $300 was completely inadequate.

My intent was to write to the top officers explaining my problem, mention the V.P. by name and inform them that I intended to setup a website which would appear whenever anyone searched for anything to do with any of the five conjoined companies. A website which would detail, at great length, my altercation with them and how badly I’d been used in the entire business. In the end, the bad publicity would far outweigh the cost to them of having done the right thing by me in the first place.

So, I was sharpening my knives. But, it never came to that because the very next morning, I received a voice-mail from the lady at the shipping company saying that my title, after three weeks of being lost, had been found and was going to be winging it’s way to me via DHL before the day was over.

The title shipped from Los Angeles on December 6th and as of this moment, I know that it is through customs in Auckland and winging its way from Auckland to Christchurch and will probably be in my hands by tomorrow. It’s Sunday here now.

So, that’s all good.

I had the brakes on the m/c inspected last Thursday and they were good so I will have all the paperwork together at last to register the machine here on Monday or Tuesday and be legal on the New Zealand highways. Yahoo!

But, there’s more saga yet…. (No, no, my readers scream!) Yes, yes, I smile. You may all think you saw the fat lady stand up but I assure you, she has not sung yet.

The other day when I was out riding my m/c (quite illegally, I might add), I stopped and when I tried to start it again, it would not start. After a lot of fussing, I got it going again and thought it was just a fluke.

Then, the next day, I drove out to customs by the airport and when I came out, the battery appeared to be dead again. So, I pulled the battery and walked to the local garage and got it recharged and put it back into the m/c and boom – it started right up.

And then the day after that, on Thursday, when I took the machine into the motorcycle place down in New Brighton to have the brake inspection done, I asked the mechanic to check out the alternator to see if it was actually recharging the battery or not. He said the alternator was fine but he thought maybe the battery was bad.

I wasn’t to sure of this as I knew the battery had been replaced within the last six months so I decided to take that under advisement and took off. And, when I took off, my m/c started right up – so I wasn’t worried.

I should have been worried – because 20 minutes later, after picking up something I’d bought on an on-line auction (ironically, a battery charger of all things), I walked outside to depart and the battery appeared to be flat yet again. The m/c would not start. It wouldn’t even turn over. Damn!

So out comes the battery again and off I walk to the local garage for another hour’s worth of battery charging while I wait and drink coffee. Then, I put the battery back in and try it and I get … nothing. Now, I know the battery’s charged and I can barely get a click. Now I’m deeply worried and confused about what’s going on.

Now, over the past few days, as all this has gone on, I’ve made any number of attempts to push-start the bike without success. But now I’m really really stuck so I start thinking about why I haven’t been able to push-start it and I realize what a ninny I’ve been. Like some know-nothing beginner, I’ve been dropping it into first gear and popping the clutch when I’ve tried to start it and, Duh, the engine’s resistance is so high in first gear, all that happens is that the back tire just skids and the engine doesn’t turn over. And, if the engine doesn’t turn over -the m/c cannot start.

So, armed with this semi-profound insight, I push the m/c again and pop it into third gear and VROOM! it starts. Whew, that’s a relief as I’m back on a residential street in Burnside or someplace and I am miles from home and the garage. Thank you, Jesus!

So, back to the garage I go ready to step up and buy that new $99 battery they’d offered me awhile ago. I turn the machine in and they go to work and I kill time inspecting the various m/c’s out in the display room. They’ve got quite a lot of motorcycles there that I’ve never seen in the U.S.

Fifteen minutes later, the mechanic comes out and says, “We have a problem.” Oh, oh. Back we go to see what it is.

He connects the new battery up and shows me that the full required voltage is, indeed, feeding into the starter motor and nothing’s happening. He said he gets the same result with the old (suspect) battery – which may not be so suspect now.

He pops the end off the starter motor while I’m watching and out comes various chunks of what, at one time, were my starter motor brushes. It’s a real mess. He says he can’t understand how anything in that shape could have possibly been starting and I agree. And yet remind him that just this morning, I’d started it at this very shop and rode off. Very weird. Everyone shakes their head.

So, I have to leave the bike there. it’s Thursday afternoon and he’s going to look if he has the necessary brushes and, if not, it’s a simple thing to order them in from Honda down in Dunedin down the coast 100 miles or so. Off on the bus I go.

Friday, I call several times during the day. “Nope, Mate, they haven’t come yet.” Saturday arrives and I’m calling again. Now they are concerned. They are trying to trace the courier package. My brushes and some other parts they’d ordered up from Dunedin by courier seem to have all gone astray.

I mean – what are the chances? Dunedin is 100 miles or so south of Christchurch. These are the only two relatively large cities on the entire island. Surely the courier hasn’t forgotten the way? “Nope, Mate, they’re still not here, sorry.” 3:30 PM Saturday comes and goes. That’s the last possible time they could have been delivered until Monday by courier.

Ah well. it all seems to be part of a larger pattern swirling around this entire motorcycle shipping business. I don’t know what it’s all about but I’m going to go with it gracefully – mostly because I’d look pretty silly and ineffectual shouting and moaning about it, eh?

So, it’s now 5 PM Sunday afternoon on a beautiful day here. My starter motor brushes are, hopefully, somewhere out there on the South Island and I believe my title is in Christchurch by now in a DHL office somewhere in the city. Eventually, they will all creep and crawl their way here and all of this will come together. And, until then, I will wait and enjoy all the other blessings showering down on me.

Sometime, I’ll have to tell you how much fun I’ve been having playing tennis again after all of these years.

Cheers, from paradise.

071204 – Summing up three weeks in New Zealand

Monday, December 3rd, 2007

Well, as you may have noticed, I haven’t been blogging much since I arrived here. I wrote up the trip and my arrival but nothing since then.

It’s been a busy three weeks. A definite flurry of getting reacquainted with friends I haven’t seen since last year. And there’s been a lot of tennis played as the weather, for the most part, has been excellent here.

But, I would say that preeminent thing that has preoccupied me since my arrival has been my motorcycle. I arrived on Tuesday, November 13th, here in New Zealand and my motorcycle was unpacked from its shipping container on Friday, November 23rd – about 10 days later. That’s not bad, considering there was a two week delay getting it aboard a ship in Los Angeles. The late Friday arrival however, meant I couldn’t begin my part of the activities until Monday the 26th.

Bringing a foreign vehicle into New Zealand is not for the faint hearted. Early Monday morning, I was on a bus headed out to near the Christchurch Airport to visit the NZ Biosecurity office there to process paperwork for my motorcycle and to arrange an inspection. Then, with papers from those folks in hand, I went over to the Customs House which is a mile up the road, quite close to the airport, proper. More papers were given and received there.

A lot of the paperwork shuffle was mysterious to me but I gathered that when the entire process was done, Customs would have been assured that Biosecurity had signed off and then customs would sign off as well.

By early afternoon Monday, I had a Biosecurity inspection scheduled at the Hilton Haulage Yard, where my motorcycle crate was, for 9 AM Tuesday morning.

Bright and early Tuesday, armed with all of the previous day’s papers and with a fully charged electric screwdriver for disassembling the crate, I arrived at the Hilton Haulage Yard and was issued with a bright orange vest and taken out to where my crate was. A very nice fellow from Biosecurity was already there looking at other imported goods and after a brief chat and a few photos of the crate prior to unpacking, he allowed as how I could disassemble it and then he’d do the Biosecurity inspection.

The crate is sprung a small amount on one seam

The crate was intact. It was sprung just a bit along one vertical seam but essentially, it weathered the trip well.

I employed the electric screwdriver and in about five minutes, we were ready to lift the crate’s top off the motorcycle and see how it had survived the trip. And … the answer was pretty well.



Several of the tie-down ropes had come loose so it was obvious that there had been some serious shaking at some point but with the wheel chocks and the crate so snug around the bike, it had apparently survived undamaged. That was the cause for some smiles.

The Biosecurity inspection was passed with no problems and this then had to be communicated back to the customs folks so they could sign off. Both customs and Biosecurity had to sign off before Hilton Haulage would allow me to remove my stuff from their premises. I called customs and he was working on my paperwork and asked that I come back out to the Customs House to sign more papers and to bring the Biosecurity clearance.

So, another bus ride from southeast Christchurch to downtown, a bus transfer and then out to northwest Christchurch where the Customs House is. I had to sign a paper at customs agreeing that if I sold the motorcycle within NZ for the next two years, I would owe NZ customs duty which had been waived as the machine was my personal property. Papers were shuffled, papers were given and papers were taken away and, at some point, I was back out the door, confused and with different and more papers than I’d had when I’d gone in. Then onto the bus again to return to Hilton Haulage to reassemble my motorcycle. The ladies there accepted all my paperwork and gave me a release to remove my stuff.

The reassembly went well. It took about an hour. In spite of the fact that I’d packed a small set of tools selected to aid in the reassembly, I’d still forgotten to pack a number 8 metric wrench so it was a bit of a tussle with my Leatherman all-purpose tool but, eventually, it was all together. During this, several of the guys that worked at Hilton dropped by to see the assembly and to visit. One of them, Dion Leen, was a motorcycle rider and after awhile, he told me about a fellow named Ian Templeton at “Just Bikes” down in New Brighton who is the guy to know if you need a good reliable motorcycle mechanic. That was a piece of good luck and I wrote the information down.

It was getting around to about 4 PM when I got everything assembled. During this time, the fellow, Trent, I’d sold my motorcycle crate to on TradeMe (New Zealand’s equivalent to EBay in the US), had come by to collect the crate which I’d disassembled for him into all flat pieces. Trent was quite nice and gave me a ride to a local gas station and back so I could fill my small gasoline container (shipped for just this purpose) with fuel so I could put it in the motorcycle which had been drained for shipping.

Finally the moment came. Had I connected the battery right, was the battery charged, had I jiggled the wrong wires, had I blown any fuses, had I connected the fuel lines correctly. Do you think I was worried about any of these things? Naw!!! I turned the key and cranked it with three of Hilton’s finest standing as witnesses.

And it cranked, and it cranked, and it cranked. I knew it’s a hard-starter after being off for a few weeks. And, I’d had to re-add the gasoline as well. But, I was beginning to wonder if it would catch before the battery expired. Finally, it coughed. Then it ran a few licks twice. And, then it caught and ran. Hoo Ya! I’ve got to tell you, the alternatives were not pretty.

I had a lot of stuff to carry. Sharon’s helmet, a box of books we’d shipped in the crate, the little gas container and my bag with all my papers. The luggage compartment was already full with rags, ropes, tools and manuals. So, after a lot of strapping down and checking, I put on my coat and helmet and waved a goodbye to Dion and the other guys there and took off for my first motorcycle ride on the other side of the highway from what I’ve always known.

And, it wasn’t bad. When you drive a right-hand drive car, it seems very weird because everything in the car is reversed as well as everything outside. And, you have to keep very clear about the fact that NOW, most of the car is to your left so you don’t sideswipe vehicles, bicycles or people as you drive. With a motorcycle, much of this goes away. The motorcycle, itself, is the same as you’ve only known so all you have to deal with is the fact that you are on the other side of the road and that’s really not much of a problem.

The truth was, I was a lot more worried as I began my ride home in a light rain, that I wasn’t legal to be on the New Zealand roads. You see, I’d been through Biosecurity and Customs but I hadn’t yet dealt with New Zealand Land Transport. Those are the folks that issue license plates,isues registrations and verify the road-worthiness of all vehicles here in New Zealand. So, riding down the road with Washington State license plates on the back, I felt like a big target that was flashing, “Here I am, illegal as hell, riding down your highways – come and get me.”

But, the trip went well and in 20 minutes, I pulled into the garage space under our building and two days of fun were done.

But, there was more, much more, fun to be had in the near future.

Prior to my departure from the U.S., there were rumblings that my motorcycle title had been mislaid by the shipping company. I’d had to FedX my original ownership title to Global Transport in Seattle, the company I’d contracted with to do the shipping. They, in turn, had sent it down to Los Angeles where Conterm, who Global had contracted with, would show it to U.S. Customs who needed to see it before they’d allow the motorcycle to be shipped out of the country. Apparently, it made it to U.S. Customs and then back to Conterm. But, after that, the trail gets hazy.

At first there was a delay getting it back, and then there was a claim that it had been sent by mistake to the New Zealand associates of Conterm and then, after I arrived here and continued to press them to find the lost title, it was finally admitted that it had, indeed, been put into the wrong DHL packet somehow and shipped off – and now no one could find it.

Well, this has turned out to be a enormous problem for me. New Zealand Land Transport absolutely will not allow a newly imported vehicle to be registered here unless they see the original title to prove that the importer owns the vehicle.

So, here I am, in New Zealand for three months with a motorcycle I’ve shipped half way around the world and I cannot legally drive it here until I come up with a title. The U.S. authorities in Washington State where we’ve applied for a duplicate title, estimate six to eight weeks. New Zealand Land Transport, where I’ve applied to to allow me to circumvent this problem on this end, say nothing can be done in less than four to six weeks.

Just today, Conterm, who has admitted in an E-mail to losing the document and with whom I’ve been going back and forth for over a week regarding compensation for my losses here, have finally allowed as how they will pay my expenses – wait for it… – up to $300 US. Whooo-ee. Now that’s a generous deal. Just today, I paid $60 NZ to get a paper notarized here as part of sorting this mess out.

I’d asked then to consider reimbursing me for what it would cost me to rent a motorcycle or a car here for the period I cannot ride the motorcycle and this was their response. Motorcycles rent for no less than $150 NZ per day here. Cars can, perhaps be found for $25 to $50 per day. Meanwhile, I am sitting here with a machine I cannot use while my three months in NZ are ticking away. NOT GOOD.

$1500 US to ship it. Many hours to make the crate. Tons of planning and now I have a 450 pound steel and aluminum nick-nack in my garage here and no transport. And Conterm in a Multinational Corporation – and they can offer me $300 US. Amazing. I am wondering what my options here are.

Leaving the U.S.A.

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007

Well, it’s been 15 days since I last posted and half a world away. I’ve been here for a week settling in and, frankly, procrastinating about posting. So much stuff has happened, it’s seemed daunting to wade into it all.

For those of you with short attention spans, the executive summary is that everything’s OK – you can go now 🙂 .

So, I left the Seattle area on November 6th and flew down to LAX and then got a rental car and drove down to Aliso Viejo in Orange County where my son, Dan, and his family live. I spent three days at their place and this is all written up here in “At Dan’s Place“.

After three days at Dan’s place, I spent a fourth evening at our friend Lare-Dog’s place out at Silverado Canyon where he lives in an RV. On the last day at Dan’s, he, Lare-dog and myself spent the day riding around Southern Orange County in Lare-dog’s restored 1951 Chevy. What a great trip down memory lane that was. It made me remember growing up in Southen California and being a beach bum when I was younger. It made me remember going to the beach, summer days, cruising around, drive-in theaters, drive-in hamburger stands and the 60’s. In those days, the sun was a friend.

At some point, we stopped at a great Mexican restaurant along the coast called Olamendis. As we walked in and looked around, I remembered the many long and wistful on-line conversations among American expatriots now living in New Zealand about missing Mexican restaurants and Mexican food. So I shot a lot of fun photos of Olimendis for them.

The big ride-around and our visit to Olimendis along with all the photos are written up here in “A ’51 Chevy and Olamendis“.

When I left Lear-dog’s place the next morning, I headed back into the heart of Orange County and caught the 405 freeway and headed up towards Los Angeles. That route takes you through Long Beach where I grew up and lived until we moved down to Orange County in 1980. Curious, I jumped off on 7th Street and pulled into my Alma Mater, California State University at Long Beach.

I’ve done this before – like every few years when I’m down. And it is always a trip down memory lane for me and a feeling of wonder both. I remember all the places that amazing things happened to me on Campus and I also see all the buildings and development that weren’t there when I attended from ’72 to ’76.

From there, I drove further into Long Beach on city streets and passed several of the places I lived in the 70’s. It is amazing how memory fades. I’m losing how to get from place to place there now. Those maps we all build in our minds of places that we so take for granted have started to seriously fade. I had to wander to look to recognize things so I’d know where to go next.

And, then when I found the place I was looking for, it was so small. The streets seemed smaller and dingier. Across from where we lived when Dan was in 3rd grade, there’s an elementary school. I remember so clearly going over and meeting his third grade class and his teacher and we took pictures which I think we still have somewhere. When you sat on our front porch, the entire school yard was just across the street and on the far side, a long ways away, there were the permanent school buildings.

Now, there are temporary school trailers (the kind that inevitably become permanent, if a neighborhood is struggling) right up against the school fence all along our side of the street and everything looks crowded and small.

I remember how happy we all were when I graduated college in 1976 and my first wife, Rose, her sister Ernie and myself all sat smiling and all dressed up on the front steps there. And the neighborhood was full of light and it was a good place to live and to be.

Now the people seem furtive and the neighborhood is a lot more run-down. The light I remember seems to have fled the place.

From there, I drove over to Long Beach Blvd, a major north-south artery connecting downtown Long Beach with North Long Beach, or Northtown as we called it then. I decided to drive up the boulevard all the way to the areas I lived in before I joined the service in 1966. All my time from fourth grade until I went off in the Military was spent there. I knew from previous trips what I would find. The town I grew up in, which was blue-collar white, is gone. All the faces now are brown and black and it looks like a war zone to my eyes. Ten foot fences with barbed wire surround the schools I attended. And if you drive by one of your old houses, you’d better not linger too long looking at it least a gang-banger comes out and asks you, “What for“.

But, I didn’t make it that far. Even half way up to Northtown, it got too desperate and too raw and I decided I just wanted to go and not destroy any more memories. So I jumped back onto the 405 and headed towards Los Angeles again and lunch with my long time friend and college buddy Freddie.

At some point, I passed a sign that said I was now in Los Angeles proper, population 3.7 million or so. And Los Angeles is just a small piece of all of it. From the home of the Valley Girls in the San Fernando Valley north of Los Angeles to the beginning of the Camp Pendelton Marine Base south of Nixon’s Western Whitehouse town of San Clemente, it is solid unrelenting people and concrete. And every year, it gets more and more densely entwined and relentlessly expands into every empty lot and every unclaimed hillside. The smart and affluent ones move upscale to the newer areas and the less affluent and the less intelligent stay behind and city spreads and leaves a slow decades long type of living gangrene behind. It changes so slowly that the people who live there can hardly see it. But, when you’ve been away, it breaks your heart.

In southern Orange County, some of the hills are still not developed or they are being retained as wildlife corredors. Dan and I took his son, Cody, on walks in some of these areas. I pointed out to Dan, that beneath all the glitter of the California lifestyle, the freeways, the shopping centers and the endless distractions, it’s just a coastal scrub desert. If it were not for the huge amounts of water being brought in and the trucks and trains running food and supplies in night and day, the number of people who could actually make a living off this land would be small, indeed. I told him it all hangs by a thread and that he should pay attention to how vulnerable he and those he loves are if the systems that are Los Angeles and Southern California ever begin to shut down. Mad Max won’t begin to describe it.

Having said all of that, we’re having a beautiful California-like evening here in Christchurch tonight. It was a hot afternoon and I went down and practiced tennis and then swam in the lap-pool. Now, I’ve opened the west facing curtains since the suns gone down and I’m sitting here shirtless typing. The sky is a dusky yellow fading up into the lightest of blues over the Southern Alps in the far distance. Around me is the South Island; half the size of Colorado and with only a million souls, total. Indeed, I’m in the center of the island’s largest city with 340,000 folks. It is paradise in the deep South Pacific. I’m am very blessed to be here.

But, I digress. So I continued up and met Freddie and we had a great lunch and drank endless cups of coffee and talked about all the stuff that we always seem to talk about – politics, religion, meaning and purpose. He’s a brilliant man and I am proud to call him my friend.

Then to LAX, turn in the car, check my checked luggage, call my sweetie-pie wife and wait to fly off to the other side of the world.

Next: “New Zealand Arrival“.

At Dan’s Place

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007

Lat year, when I stopped at my son Dan’s place on my way down to New Zealand, his daughter, Eden was sick so I didn’t get to interact with her a lot.   This year, she was well and another year older and what a beautiful little girl she is.

My Cutie-Pie Grand Daughter, Eden

We had a lot of fun together.  I like staying at Dan and his wife, Ann’s, place.   They alway include me in on all the daily stuff they are doing and make me feel like a part of their lives even though we don’t see each but about once a year.  Cody remembered me really well from last year and called me “Grand-Pa Dennis”.   Eden, who is just learning how to talk, offered up several great renditions of her own of “Gwam-pa” with a big smile. 

On one of our errands, Dan dropped Cody off at his pre-school where he goes several days a week.

Cody goes to school

Dan’s been making his living this last year doing upscale handyman work.  He’s gotten quite expert at many facets of fine carpentry, stone work and a number of other skills.   He’s a real natural at it and does quality work and most of his jobs immediately lead to new referrals.  He’s gutted and rebuilt kitchens, redone decks, worked with motar and brick.   Here he’s putting the final paint on a custom garden gate he’s built for a client

Dan at work

During the days I was at Dan’s, we took a couple of good walks out with Cody.    Dan and Ann live in Aliso Viejo in Orange County, California.   Aliso Viejo is only about eight years old and is one of the beautiful and meticulously planned communities built by the Irvine Company.  Houses, roads and shopping centers alternate with swathes of land left in its natural state.

Dan’s neighborhood sits on a hillside above a valley and the valley below has been left as it was.   There are walking trails, small creeks, old stables and even a few caves with interesting local history.   One day, we set out to explore and find the ‘Dripping Cave’ and the ‘Robber’s Cave’.

Here, Dan, Cody and myself are off on an adventure.

On a nature walk

Cody’s busy looking for Mother nature.

Cody looks for Mother Nature

Down in the valley, an old stable used to hold stock and on the ridge above, the neighborhood where Dan lives.

The old and the new together

We saw the Dripping Cave and then headed off to the Robber’s Cave.   I decided it was to steep for me and waited for Dan and Cody to check it out.   Here, they are heading up-slope on their adventure.

Dan and Cody are off to see the Robber’s Cave

On the last day I was at Dan’s, Lare-dog came over with his beautifully restored 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe and we went riding.    But that’s another story and you can read about it here in “A ’51 Chevy and Olamendis“.

And, finally, Cody gave me a present which I carried to New Zealand and which now hangs proudly in our apartment.   Here’s a picture of your present, Cody:

Cody’s most excellent present to Grand Pa Dennis

Thanks, Dan & Ann & Cody & Eden & Lare-dog for a great visit!

A ’51 Chevy and Olamendis

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007

My son, Dan, myself and Lare-dog, a good friend of our family, all went for a ride around southern Orange County, California, on November 10th in Lare-dog’s beautifully restored 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe.

On the ride, we stopped to eat at Olamendi’s Mexican Restaurant in Capistrano Beach.

I shot a lot of pictures there (mostly for those American expatriots, in New Zealand, who are missing Mexican food and Mexican restaurants).


Lare-dog’s 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe

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Olamendi’s Mexican Restaurant

This is the place! Los Tres Muchachos Our table

Local color More local color The bar

Your selection, Senor? We don’ need no stinking badges! Amazing table tops

Jesus Another Jesus Only the best people eat here

Dan-gerous The Lare-dog of legend Three well fed Muchachos

New Zealand Arrival

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007

The Flight from LAx to Auckland was about as I remembered it. I drank so much coffee talking with Freddie in Los Angeles that I think it prevented me from sleeping as well as I have on earlier trips – but it wasn’t too bad.

My view for 12 hours

The cabin lights came on after a long and semi-restless night and breakfast was served and the sun began to light the sky on the window on my side of the place as we began our decent into Auckland after crossing the entire Pacific Ocean. A distance I remember it took me over two weeks to cross on the ship, the Direct Tui, when I came here on her in 2003.

First view of New Zealand Welcome to Auckland, New Zealand

It was my third time to do it but there’s still something purely magical to me to step into the line for citizens and residents of New Zealand rather than into the lines for everyone else. It is always the first caress I get that tells me that this place is now mine. The usual questions from the NZ customs agent and then off to collect my luggage and answer more questions.

Oh, you work on a nursery, eh? Well, take your bags to line C and follow the directions there.” Line C took me to some nice folks who took all of my luggage apart again. It had all been gone through thoroughly in Los Angeles as they looked for bombs or whatever. Now their interest was Bio-Security. To make sure I wasn’t bringing in dirt caught in the treads of my shoes or food items that were not canned or sealed. I didn’t see the search in L.A. but I got to watch this one and they we nice folks. We talked and joked about things and, before long, everything was sort-of stuffed back into my luggage and I was free to check it in again. Remember, I was only in Auckland at this point. I still had another 2 hour flight down to Christchurch on the south Island before I was done traveling so I had to check it in for the Auckland to Christchurch flight.

Luckily, I was able to check my bags for the Christchurch flight at the International Terminal where I’d come in so that I didn’t have to schlep them over to the Domestic Terminal as we sometimes have to do.

So, free of my big luggage and with just my small hand-carry, I followed the blue line from the International Terminal to the Domestic Terminal and enjoyed my first morning back in New Zealand.

The first half of the flight to Christchurch is always boring as you are over the sea but then, later, you begin to pass down the length of a least part of the South Island. Mountains give way to hills and hills to plains and all the while you are remembering maps and trying to place yourself based on what you see.

I have a special mission this trip and that is to begin to zero in on areas not too far from Christchurch were we can find heavily forested land out in the countryside not more than two hours drive from the city.

So, I was gawking out the windows and shooting pictures of likely looking places and thinking that later I could use Google Earth to match of the patterns of brown and green in my images so I could reconstruct where exactly I was when I shot the photos.

A likely area, perhaps

20 photos later (I’ll spare you the other 19), we were on the ground and my friends, Tobi and Alex were there just as they had promised to pick me up (oh, beautiful people!).

Good friends at the end of a long trip

We dropped my luggage off at the apartment and went off to The Lotus Heart restaurant on Colombo and ate lunch and talked and caught up on things. What a lovely ‘welcome back’. Then, they had errands and they brought me back to my place and came up for a few minutes and we all looked around and then they took off.

Looking around – that was nice. My beloved was here for a month back in August and did some interior decorating so there was lots to see. New thangkas on the walls, some new furniture, everything newly painted – it was beautiful.

And how different it all was from when I arrived last year and had to find temporary accomodations while I waited for the renters in our apartment to move out so I could take possession. Everything was in a turmoil and temporary and I didn’t get into the apartment until December 22nd after having arrived around November 10th.

This year, it couldn’t have been any more different. A beautiful apartment was waiting; warm, decorated, inviting and ours. It was a big pleasure to just look around and contemplate the next three months.

The runaway train is China

Thursday, November 22nd, 2007

I’ve been here in New Zealand for just over a week now and I’ve been writing several blog entries in parallel to discuss all the things that have happened since I left Seattle back on the 6th of November.   But, they’re not ready yet and there’s something else that I just felt I had to get posted.

My friend, MD, sent me a link to this story days ago and ever since I read it, it’s been on my mind.

Some months ago, I wrote a piece called “The Train Ride to Hell“.  After reading this story, I think China may be driving the train.

Elizabeth Economy, the author, pulls a tremendous number of facts about China together so we can see bigger patterns than we normally could from just following the news articles from and about China.  After reading this, it seems clear to me that China (and therefore, the rest of us) is caught in a no-win situation. 

If they revise how things work in China and stall their economic growth in favor of their ecology and global weather, chaos will result similar to what happens when a corporation is experiencing red-hot growth and can’t keep its cash-flow balanced correctly.

On the other hand, if they do not slow the economic train, China will become unlivable.   Their water, their food and their air, both in terms of availbility, usability and quality, will simply fail to meet minimum requirements for the overall system to continue it’s run-away growth – and the first result will obtain.

If there’s a particular insight that I wish Ms. Economy would have brought out in her article, it’s the one that Thomas Friedman made in the NY Times back on April 7th, 2007, when he wrote about the “The China Price” in his piece entitled, “The Power of Green“. 

Here’s Elizabeth Economy’s article entitled, “The Great Leap Backward?” from Foreign Affairs magazine as published by The Council of Foreign Relations.   I strongly encourage you to read it in it’s entirety.


The Great Leap Backward?

Elizabeth C. Economy
From Foreign Affairs, September/October 2007

Summary:  China’s environmental woes are mounting, and the country is fast becoming one of the leading polluters in the world. The situation continues to deteriorate because even when Beijing sets ambitious targets to protect the environment, local officials generally ignore them, preferring to concentrate on further advancing economic growth. Really improving the environment in China will require revolutionary bottom-up political and economic reforms.

  Elizabeth C. Economy is C. V. Starr Senior Fellow and Director for Asia Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and the author of The River Runs Black: The Environmental Challenges to China’s Future.

China’s environmental problems are mounting. Water pollution and water scarcity are burdening the economy, rising levels of air pollution are endangering the health of millions of Chinese, and much of the country’s land is rapidly turning into desert. China has become a world leader in air and water pollution and land degradation and a top contributor to some of the world’s most vexing global environmental problems, such as the illegal timber trade, marine pollution, and climate change. As China’s pollution woes increase, so, too, do the risks to its economy, public health, social stability, and international reputation. As Pan Yue, a vice minister of China’s State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), warned in 2005, “The [economic] miracle will end soon because the environment can no longer keep pace.”With the 2008 Olympics around the corner, China’s leaders have ratcheted up their rhetoric, setting ambitious environmental targets, announcing greater levels of environmental investment, and exhorting business leaders and local officials to clean up their backyards. The rest of the world seems to accept that Beijing has charted a new course: as China declares itself open for environmentally friendly business, officials in the United States, the European Union, and Japan are asking not whether to invest but how much.

Unfortunately, much of this enthusiasm stems from the widespread but misguided belief that what Beijing says goes. The central government sets the country’s agenda, but it does not control all aspects of its implementation. In fact, local officials rarely heed Beijing’s environmental mandates, preferring to concentrate their energies and resources on further advancing economic growth. The truth is that turning the environmental situation in China around will require something far more difficult than setting targets and spending money; it will require revolutionary bottom-up political and economic reforms.


071106 – Tuesday – Departure Eve

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

Well, this will be my last post until I’m in New Zealand in a week. It’s been an intense few days with packing and preparations. But, so far as I know, everything’s done and everything’s ready.

As always, I realize now, on the brink of departure, how much I’ll miss my wife and my best friend in this life, Sharon. She is truly a partner to build a life with.

We walked down to Paradise today – a place in the back of our property where no one ever goes but us. A tall quiet bank under some big cedar trees overlooking the place where a small creek that runs through our place flows into Woods Creek that demarcates the back or southern end of our land.

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I realized then that someday we’ll sell this land and in spite of all the work it’s been to own and operate the nursery business here, I will deeply miss this land I’ve become attached to.

This is the first time that I’ve owned land outright without a bank involved. I can truly reach down and pick up a hand full of soil here on 19 of our acres and look at it and say, “This is mine.” – as much as anything is really ours in this transient existence.

Change is the one constant. An oft repeated idea- but true none-the-less. Age, movements, history, and fortune. They sweep us along and we keep trying to remember who we are and why we think we are here as we struggle to adapt to what life brings us.

I will not fear to love because I may loose what I love. I can’t think why I came here if it wasn’t to live and love and feel.