The times they are a changin’

I got a letter from our insurance company. They wanted to let us know about changes to our policy.

Let me quote:

“Added a virus exclusion to protect against a catastrophic epidemic.”

“We have added an endorsement to your policy to exclude farming and business-related liability arising out of any biological or chemical terrorism.”

“Expanded the water damage definition to exclude losses caused by storm surge, break, breach or leak of a levee, dam or canal.”

The politicians and the pundits can deny and obfuscate all they like but at the end of the day, the folks who put their money on the line selling insurance against risks might be our best canarys-in-the-mine indicators of where the real risks lay.

None of this is new, really. Back on November 3rd, 2006, I wrote about Lloyd’s of London releasing their full 360 Climate Change report which also essentially put the lie to claims by the deniers that nothing is wrong. You can read about the Lloyd’s report here:


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