Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Biological Imperatives – first sighting

Sunday, January 24th, 2010

If you are a regular reader of this Blog, then you will know that a central point I am often ‘on’ about concerns the Biological Imperatives – which I believe are the deep root and cause of much of why humanity seems so maladapted to long term survival on this planet.

I’ve just finished reading The Schopenhauer Cure by Irvin D. Yalom – a brilliant book which I highly recommend.  Arthur Schopenhauer’s philosophy, as you might expect from the book’s title weaves its way deeply throughout the novel’s plot.

Bit one bit of Schopenhauer’s thought that I noted with particular interest is illustrated in the following quotes:

It has often been noted that three major revolutions in thought have threatened the idea of human centrality.  First, Copernicus demonstrated that Earth was not the center about which all celestial bodies revolved. next, Darwin showed us that were not central in the chain of life but like other creatures, had evolved from other life-forms.  Third, Freud demonstrated that we are not masters in our own house — that much of our behavior is governed by forces outside of our consciousness.  there is no doubt that Freud’s unacknowledged co-revolutionary was Arthur Schopenhauer, who, long before Freud’s birth, had posited that we are governed by deep biological forces and then delude ourselves into thinking that we consciously choose our activities.


…Schopenhauer two centuries ago understood the underlying reality; the sheer awesome power of the sex drive.  It’s the most fundamental force within us — the will to love, to reproduce — and it can’t be stilled.

Schopenhauer may have been the first to name and describe I call the Biological Imperatives.

Of course, it wasn’t until much more recently, with the advent of Evolutionary Psychology, that we can begin to connect his observations into the greater cloth of hard science vis-a-vis what E. O. Wilson called Consilience in his book of the same name.

Readings from on the road

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

“What if there is no holy life?” asked Buddha.  …  “You see,” said Buddha, “even holiness has become food for your ego to feed on.  You want to be different.  You want to be safe.  You want to have hope.”

“Why is that wrong?” asked Assaji.

“Because these things are dreams that lull you,” said Buddha.

“What would we see if we weren’t dreaming?”


“The five monks felt a chill pass over them.  It seemed pointless to deny what their brother said but hopeless to accept it.   Buddha said, “You are all afraid of death, as I was, so you make up any story that will ease your fears, and after a while you believe the story, even though it came from your own mind.”   Without waiting for a reply, he reached down and picked up a handful of dust.  “The answer to life and death is simple.  It rests in the palm of my hand.  Watch.”

He threw the dust into the air, it remained suspended like a murky cloud for a second before the breeze carried it away.

“Consider what you just saw, ” said Buddha.   “The dust holds its shape for a fleeting moment when I throw it into the air, as the body holds its shape for this brief lifetime.  When the wind makes it disappear, where does the dust go?  It returns to its source, the earth.   In the future that same dust allows grass to grow, and it enters into a deer that eats the grass.   The animal dies and turns to dust.   Now imagine that the dust comes to you and asks, ‘Who am I?’  What will you tell it?   Dust is alive in a plant but dead as it lies in the road under our feet.   It moves in an animal but it is still when buried in the depths of the earth.   Dust encompasses life and death at the same time.  So if you answer ‘Who am I’ with anything but a complete answer, you have made a mistake.

I have come back to tell you that you can be whole, but only if you see yourself that way.  There is no holy life.  There is no war between good and evil.   There is no sin and no redemption.   None of these things matter to the real you.   But they all matter hugely to the false you, the one who believes in the separate self.   You have tried to take your separate self, with all its loneliness and anxiety and pride, to the door of enlightenment.  But it will never go through, because it is a ghost.

– from Buddha by Deepak Chopra

Personal Update – 29 Sep 09

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

I am cancer free, my friends.

I feel very blessed.  I’ve dodged one of life’s great bullets and get a chance to go on with an open future.

Thanks to all of you who have followed this health saga of mine and who have expressed their concerns and compassions.   It has all been much appreciated.

Personal update – 20 Sep 09

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

Dear friends and readers.   It has been some time again since I’ve posted much here on Samadhisoft.   As some of you know, there have been a lot of things going on in my personal life that have preoccupied me since July.

To quickly recap.

My wife had divorce proceedings served on me on July 2nd.

Exactly two weeks later on July 16th, my Urologist gave me the results from a Prostate Biopsy and I found out I had Prostate Cancer.

After a crash self-education course on my options, I elected to have my Prostate removed since all indications were that we’d caught it early and it was still fully contained within the Prostate gland.

On August 11th, I underwent a robotic ‘da Vinci’ Prostatectomy at Swedish Hospital here in Seattle.

On August 19th, I went into my surgeon’s office to have my catheter removed and to get the Pathologist’s report on my Prostate.  The report confirmed that the tumor was indeed, fully contained within the Prostate.  My surgeon told me that this result meant that I had about a 95% chance of being Prostate cancer free.

It is now September 20th.   I’ve recovered well from the physical surgery.  I still have minor issues with incontinence but these are said to improve for most folks over time.   Impotence is also an issue but recovery from that side effect generally takes six weeks to three months and I’m only about five weeks post surgery now.

The truth is, for me personally, neither of these factors weighs very heavily on me compared to dodging the cancer bullet.

I go in this coming Wednesday to see my surgeon for what I believe will be my last post operative visit.   He’ll draw blood and run a PSA test and that’s when we’ll get some indication if I do, indeed, fall into the 95% cancer-free group or if I’m one of the unlucky 5% folks in whom the cancer cells escaped from the Prostate into the body before the Prostate was removed.   My PSA level should measure as zero, if all the Prostate cells are gone from my body.

On the divorce front, things are still proceeding.   Here in Washington State in the U.S., all divorces have to undergo a 90 day cooling off period so the folks involved can see, after their emotions have subsided a bit, if divorce is what they still really want.

Oddly, in our case, I was strongly opposed to the divorce when my wife first had the papers served on me.   But, now that most of the 90 days have elapsed, I’ve decided that I do want to proceed with the divorce and she’s begun to express some doubts.

There’s also the issue of how we will split up our assets. It is complicated since we own a business and five pieces of real estate.   Originally, we told the court that we would provide the court a document detailing how we wanted to split our assets by mutual agreement.

But, thus far, this mutual agreement hasn’t been forth coming.

An, in the mean time, I am still departing for New Zealand in late November on what will very likely be a permanent move.   I’m packing boxes of my personal books and possessions and I’ve arranged for these and my motorcycle to be shipped by sea.

So, there’s been a lot going on here and it has distracted me greatly from Blogging.  But, things will settle and I will likely resume.

I’m still following the news most days via my trusty RSS reader which I’ve set to trawl through 50 to 100 different websites and Blogs.

I’m still deeply convinced that the world is coming to a time of inexorable changes and they are not going to be pretty.

I may still post an occasional piece here if something intense arises.  But, until my personal life sorts itself a out a bit, I’d be surprised if I will post a lot.

Stay well my friends, stay flexible in your thinking and always consider your options – you always have some!

Animal Poison Hotline – Jerks!

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

The other day, in a moment of of inattention, I left two pills I was going to take out on the kitchen counter.   Extremely bad form, I know.   But, something distracted me at the critical moment – and it happened.

Sometime later, Indra, one of our seven rescue cats, jumped up on my desk as he often does.  But this time he was foaming and drooling at the mouth in great gobs.

I jumped up, ran to the kitchen to grab a paper towel and then I saw the remaining one pill there on the counter top.  Click! – it all came together and I knew why he was like that.

Damn! Damn! Damn!

I grabbed Indra up and took him to the nearest bathroom so I could keep him corralled and yelled for my wife to come and help.   She went into the bathroom and as she did, she reminded me that we have an Animal Poison Hotline magnetic sticker thingy on the refrigerator.   It’s something that’s been there for several years.

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the phone and, yes, there was the little magnet that said “Animal Poison Hotline” right there where she said it was.   I called them in a semi-panic.

A nice voice answered and said who they were and then asked me to press “1”, if this was about an animal poisoning event.   Then it asked me if this was a new event (press “1”) or a previous event (press “2”).

Once I’d pressed “1” and then “1” again, the voice said that since they received no state or federal money for delivering their services, that there would be a $60 consultation fee and that I should have my VISA or Master Card ready.   I looked at the phone with sheer incredulity.   I realized I had just gotten tangled up with the Animal Poison Hotline equivalent of ambulance chasers.

I hung up and dialed our local vet while my wife was shouting to “Hurry up” from the bathroom.   I hadn’t called them first because it was 5:30 PM and I thought they were closed.   But, thank God, when the phone rang, someone answered and a vet was on the line in a few seconds saying to bring Indra in right away.  Turns out they were open until 6:30 PM.

To make a long story short, Indra turned out to be OK.   We later found the missing pill and he’d chewed it some but only made one small puncture in it before the vile taste must have made him spit it out.   But, at the time, we didn’t know that and thought he’d swallowed 200mg of Celebrex.   So, what could have been several days of efforts to save him (and maybe lose him) and several thousands of dollars ended up being a two local trips to the vet and about $300.

But, I am still deeply rankled at the “Animal Poison Hotline” people and their credit card demands.  In fairness, when I looked closely at the magnetic sticker later, it did say, in small print, that there would be a ‘per incident’ fee.

But I’m imagining the motivations of the folks who printed the magnetic stickers up and distributed them.   They were seeking a profit and one great way to do that is to match a service with a need.   And this one’s a beauty.

When someone calls up and their beloved pet has potentially been poisoned, they are not going to quibble over $60 and a credit card number when minutes may mean life or death.   But, what a nasty time to jack them up.

Thinking about all of this, I remembered that years ago I had been deeply pissed off when I read an expose in the Orange County Register about how the local fund raising drives for the local police and firemen actually worked.

The police and firemen didn’t actually have the time or the expertise to man the phones, so they’d hire an outside company to do their fund raising.   These folks would call you up and say, “This is the Orange County Fireman’s Association – how are you this evening?“   And then they’d start in on you for donations for various things to help the firemen.

It was a sweet deal for everyone except the donor.   The fireman’s Association got some money out of the deal and they didn’t have to pay the fund raising folks a penny because their contract let them take 80% of the proceeds off the top for their services.  And the firemen were happy because 20% of something is way more than 100% of nothing.  And it was totally free for them.

But, the donor’s, who were giving out of the goodness of their hearts, didn’t know that 80% of their gifts were going into the pockets of the fund raisers and their lavish life styles.

I’m wondering if something similar isn’t going on here.     Wouldn’t people scream if uncle Bob was down on the floor with a possible poisoning and they called a human poison hotline and got held up for a credit card fee before they could proceed?

Stinky stinky stuff.

Are you wondering who these folks are so you can steer clear of them?

They are:

North Shore Animal League


PROSCAR International Animal Poison Center

Believe me when I tell you that you’d be far better off to put the number of your local vet up on your fridge RIGHT NOW.   And then call your vet and ask them for the phone number and location of the local 24 hour emergency vet in case you have an after hours emergency.   And then put that number up there as well.

A new page here

Monday, August 17th, 2009

I’ve put a post I wrote in 2007 back up as a permanent page in the right column on this site.   It is entitled, “About War“.

It seems as topical today to me as the day I wrote it.

You might show it to the young men in your family, all full of testosterone and patriotism, who want to go and have a great adventure and fight the good fight.

Some local news about yours truly

Saturday, August 15th, 2009


(MONROE, WA) — The Sky Valley Chronicle has discovered a man in Monroe who’s been operating a cathouse for years just minutes from the Monroe Police Department.

He offers no apologies, refuses to hide the facts of what goes on in the house and stands firm in his belief that what he is doing falls within community standards of decency.

Uh, no it is not that type of cathouse. (We’d love to say “gotcha!” at this point but we’re far too sophisticated for that).

The type of cathouse run by Dennis Gallagher is for regular house cats and is designed to provide them a safe, enriching and liberating lifestyle.


Personal update – 14 Aug 09

Friday, August 14th, 2009

I had my Prostatectomy operation on August 11th and it went fine.   Currently, I’m recovering at home.   On the 19th, I go in for a followup visit to have my catheter removed and to get my prostate biopsy results.   With luck, the cancer will have been confined to the prostate itself and its removal will have ended the problem.   You good wishes that it should turn out this way will be much appreciated.

I’ll post more when I know more.

Back in gear

Sunday, July 26th, 2009
When it rains, it pours

When it rains, it pours

The various things going on in my life; my New Zealand immigration, my pending divorce and my prostate cancer treatment are all tracking along in their slow ways.   As much as I’d like all of this to hurry up and come to some resolution so I can regroup and move on after the dust settles, it just isn’t going to happen any sooner than it is going to happen.

The divorce could be dropped, or it could finish as soon as the first week in October or it could drag on.   Time will tell.

The Prostate surgery is currently scheduled to happen on September 1st (or sooner, if I can grab a cancellation).   I’m going to go with a high-tech approach which you can read about here, if you are curious.

I currently am holding a ticket to New Zealand that has me flying out of LAX headed south on November 25th.

In the mean time, the world continues in its uneven progress and, in spite of the fact that I haven’t been Blogging on-topic since July 1st, I’ve still been reading the news via my RSS news Aggregator and setting aside appropriate articles for the theme of this Blog.

So, I’m going to resume posting stuff.   Maybe, it’ll keep me busy and help speed me through the rest of this stuff.

Don’t misunderstand the graphic, above.  I do feel like a bit of a lightening rod these days but I am not feeling sorry for myself.   All this stuff has purpose and meaning and it is mine alone to figure out what it is.

Cheers, my friends.

Prostate Cancer

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

Well, they say that when it rains, sometimes it pours.   I feel like there’s a bit of that going around in my life just now.

I’m on the brink of shifting to New Zealand.   I’ve got a divorce filed against me in progress … and now I’ve been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.


The relatively good news, with respect to the cancer, is that the tumor was found early and I’ve got a 95% chance that it is fully contained within the Prostate Gland so that if I have a Prostatectomy, chances will be high that I’ll dodge this bullet.

As I said before, when I wrote a note about the divorce, these life changing events tend to change the things around that one is concerned with from day to day.  Of  late, I haven’t had much interest in Blogging about the world, politics and the environment.   Not that these things aren’t important.  It is just, rather, that I’m distracted by personal stuff big time.

I’ll post occassionaly as all of these things unfold and, hopefully, I’ll resume doing some posting on the basic subject matter of this Blog.

Cheers, for now….