Archive for the ‘Religion – The Wrong Way’ Category

Spread of Islamic Law in Indonesia Takes Toll on Women

Tuesday, June 27th, 2006

Perhaps the one constant in this world is change but this deep truth is largely ignored by fundamentalist religions of all types who attempt to stop and even turn back the clock. Their efforts always eventually fail but in the mean time, their consequences in terms of human suffering are immense. It is widely understood that the current overconsumption of the world’s resources is driven by humanity’s population growth and that this growth, in turn, is largely driven by the lack of education and reproductive choices among the world’s women. In Indonesia, yet another incarnation of fundamentalist religion is arising disempowering women with all the terrible consequences that will bring. And, lest we be too smug, these self-same forces, guised within different religions, are arising around the globe including here in the U.S.

TANGERANG, Indonesia, June 24 — To a passer-by, the dress and demeanor of Lilis Lindawati would have attracted little attention as she waited in the dark in this busy industrial city for a ride home.

She wore green pants, a denim jacket, beige sandals with modest heels, burgundy lipstick and penciled eyebrows. Her black hair flowed freely, unencumbered by a head scarf, the sign of a religious Muslim woman that is increasingly prevalent in Indonesia but not mandatory.

In a now widely recounted incident, Mrs. Lindawati, 36, was hustled into a government van that clammy February evening by brown-uniformed police, known as tranquillity and public order officers.

“They put about 20 of us in the police station and then went out again to target the hotels,” she said, telling the story as she sat on the floor of her family’s two-room, $12-a-month rental, her husband beside her.

She was charged with being a prostitute under a new local law forbidding lewd behavior, and in an unusual public hearing attended by local dignitaries and residents, she was sentenced with some of the other women to three days in jail.



Thursday, June 22nd, 2006

Last week, the sixteen scientists who contributed essays to Intelligent Thought: Science Versus The Intelligent Design Movement, wrote a letter that was addressed individually and sent with a copy of the book to every member of Congress.


June 16, 2006

To Members of Congress:
We, the authors and editor of Intelligent Thought, are sending you a copy of the book in hopes that you will consider its message. The book is largely about Intelligent Design (ID), the latest incarnation of creationism. ID is a movement that threatens American science education and with it American economic predominance and credibility.

To full text:


The individuals who signed this letter include the following (who are among the very brightest and most articulate men and women of science on the planet today):

Scott Atran
Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique
Department of Psychology
University of Michigan

John Brockman
Publisher and Editor
Edge (
New York City

Jerry Coyne
Department of Ecology and Evolution
The University of Chicago

Richard Dawkins
Oxford University Museum

Daniel Dennett
Center for Cognitive Studies
Tufts University

Marc D. Hauser
Departments of Psychology and Organismal and Evolutionary Biology
Harvard University

Nicholas Humphrey
London School of Economics
London, UK

Stuart Kauffman
The Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics
The University of Calgary,
The Santa Fe Institute
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Seth Lloyd
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Techology

Steven Pinker
Department of Psychology
Harvard University

Lisa Randall
Department of Physics
Harvard University

Scott Sampson
Utah Museum of Natural History and
Department of Geology and Geophysics
University of Utah

Neil Shubin
Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy
The University of Chicago,
The Field Museum, Chicago

Lee Smolin
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Frank Sulloway
Institute for Personality and Social Research
The University of California, Berkeley

Leonard Susskind
Department of Physics
Stanford University

Tim White
Department of Integrative Biology and
Human Evolution Research Center
The University of California at Berkeley

The Purpose Driven Life Takers – Part 5

Monday, June 12th, 2006

Finally, the other shoe has dropped among conservative Christians.

The Christian supremacist video game Left Behind: Eternal Forces has drawn the wrath of conservative Christian attorney Jack Thompson. He has denounced and cut ties with Tyndale House, publisher of the Left Behind novels that inspired the video game, and he is now threatening a lawsuit over its licensing of the game. Talk to Action has obtained a letter from Mr. Thompson in which he has urged Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, Ph.D., to join him in repudiating Tyndale House.

Mr. Thompson has charged that in licensing the game, Tyndale House, publisher of his own book against video game violence as well as the Living Word Bible and several of Mr. Dobson’s titles on child-rearing, “has now become one of the mental molesters of minors for money.” Full story:

The Purpose Driven Life Takers – Repost !!!

Friday, June 9th, 2006

I originally posted this story, which first appeared on the Talk To Action blog, and then took it down after I received a Comment from Layman of the Christian Cadre that the story was inaccurate.

Now, Talk To Action has responded to Layman’s points and I find that the original story was credible so I’m going to put the entire four part series from Talk To Action up here for you to read and decide.

To my way of thinking, this sort of stuff is exactly what’s wrong with folks who take their religious beliefs to extremes – regardless of what faith they are. Personally, I think the historical Jesus would have judged this stuff ‘pretty stinky’.

The series:

The Purpose Drive Life Takers (Part 1)

Violent Video Marketed Through Mega-Churches (Part 2)

Revelation and Resignations (Part 3)

Christian Cadre’s Layman: ‘A Whopper of Being Wrong’ (Part 4)