Archive for the ‘Climate Change’ Category

Adaptation To Global Climate Change Is An Essential Response To A Warming Planet

Saturday, February 10th, 2007

– Sad to say that many people are now recognizing that things have gone too far to stop climate change so they are beginning to think pragmatically about how we can best cope with the changes that are coming. Sad, because avoiding the problem was always within our grasp if we could but find the wisdom and the will to reach out and act. Idealistically, I still hope we will find the will and act. But, pragmatically, I suspect we do need to recognize that the changes are coming.


Science Daily Temperatures are rising on Earth, which is heating up the debate over global warming and the future of our planet, but what may be needed most to combat global warming is a greater focus on adapting to our changing planet, says a team of science policy experts writing in this week’s Nature magazine.

While many consider it taboo, adaptation to global climate change needs to be recognized as just as important as “mitigation,” or cutting back, of greenhouse gases humans pump into Earth’s atmosphere. The science policy experts, writing in the Feb. 8, 2007 issue of Nature, say adapting to the changing climate by building resilient societies and fostering sustainable development would go further in securing a future for humans on a warming planet than just cutting gas emissions.

“New ways of thinking about, talking about and acting on climate change are necessary if a changing society is to adapt to a changing climate,” the researchers state in “Lifting the Taboo on Adaptation.”


China Says Rich Countries Should Take Lead on Global Warming

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

– The US government is still in deep denial about Global Warming and the fastest two rising powers, China and India, both acknowledge the problem but they say that it doesn’t belong to them. From their POV, the first world powers earned their wealth by trashing the environment for the last 150 years and now we’re asking them to stall their climbs out of poverty because the world cannot stand the load of their pollution in addition to ours. That is, indeed, a hard POV to find fault with – other than that (a) two wrongs don’t make a right and (b) if we all don’t act to curb the developing problems, the consequences will fall equally upon all of us.

– When I hear these sorts of back-and-forths between the world’s powers over who should do what, the pragmatist in me thinks it is unlikely that we (humanity) are going to act in a concerted way for our own good. And, like stupid sailors, we will all be still arguing as the only life boat we have sinks beneath the coming Perfect Storm along with the futures of our children.”


BEIJING, Feb. 6 — China said Tuesday that wealthier countries must take the lead in curbing greenhouse gas emissions and refused to say whether it would agree to any mandatory emissions limits that might hamper its booming economy.

Jiang Yu, a spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry, said China was willing to contribute to an international effort to combat global warming but placed the primary responsibility on richer, developed nations that have been polluting for much longer.

“It must be pointed out that climate change has been caused by the long-term historic emissions of developed countries and their high per capita emissions,” she said, adding that developed countries have responsibilities for global warming “that cannot be shirked.”

Ms. Jiang’s comments, combined with another briefing on Tuesday by the country’s leading climate expert, represented China’s first official response to a landmark report issued last week by a United Nations panel of scientists that declared global warming is “unequivocal” and warned that immediate action must be taken to prevent harmful consequences.

China is the world’s second largest emitter of the greenhouse gases contributing to climate change, trailing only the United States. Last November, the International Energy Agency in Paris predicted that China would pass the United States in emissions of carbon dioxide in 2009. China had been expected to surpass the United States as late as 2020, but its soaring consumption of coal has rapidly increased the country’s emissions.

China derives nearly 70 percent of its energy from coal-fired power plants, many of them equipped with substandard pollution controls.


China Sweats in Warmest Temperatures on Record

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

BEIJING (AFP)—Skating has been banned on the melting ice of Beijing’s lakes, trees are blossoming early and people are shedding their heavy clothes as China experiences its warmest winter on record.

The temperature in the capital hit 16 degrees Celsius (60 degrees Fahrenheit) on Monday, far above the historical average of just below freezing for this time of year and the highest since records were first compiled in 1840.

The head of the Beijing Municipal Observatory, Guo Hu, said the record high was part of a consistent trend this winter, while state-run media reported similar phenomena across the country.

“In January and February, Beijing experienced its highest temperatures in 167 years,” Guo told AFP on Tuesday.

“Beijing has basically seen warmer winters from the late 1980s. This is due to the influence of global warming.”

More… and

Science Panel Calls Global Warming “Unequivocal”

Monday, February 5th, 2007

– Over the last few days, while I’ve been traveling, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, has released its fourth report and you will probably have been living under a rock to have not heard about it. The report, which draws on the expertise of 2500 scientists, worldwide simply makes no bones about it. Global warming is real, humans are the cause of it and we haven’t much time to do something about it if we want to leave anything better than a disaster to our children.


PARIS, Feb. 2 – In a grim and powerful assessment of the future of the planet, the leading international network of climate scientists has concluded for the first time that global warming is “unequivocal” and that human activity is the main driver, “very likely” causing most of the rise in temperatures since 1950.

They said the world was in for centuries of climbing temperatures, rising seas and shifting weather patterns — unavoidable results of the buildup of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.

But their report, released here on Friday by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said warming and its harmful consequences could be substantially blunted by prompt action.

While the report provided scant new evidence of a climate apocalypse now, and while it expressly avoided recommending courses of action, officials from the United Nations agencies that created the panel in 1988 said it spoke of the urgent need to limit looming and momentous risks.

“In our daily lives we all respond urgently to dangers that are much less likely than climate change to affect the future of our children,” said Achim Steiner, executive director of the United Nations Environment Program, which administers the panel along with the World Meteorological Organization.

“Feb. 2 will be remembered as the date when uncertainty was removed as to whether humans had anything to do with climate change on this planet,” he went on. “The evidence is on the table.”

More… , and

research thx to John P, & Lisa G.

– The first two of the articles linked to, above, are from the NY Times and they insist that folks have an ID and a PW in order to read their stuff. You can get these for free just by signing up. However, recently, a friend of mine suggested the website :arrow: as an alternative to having to do these annoying sign ups. Check it out. Thx Bruce S. for the tip.

– You can also find a PDF based copy of the full IPCC report here:

Panel warns on Great Barrier Reef

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

Australia’s famous Great Barrier Reef could be dead within decades because of the effects of global warming, according to a leaked report. The report, from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), warns that the reef’s coral could be bleached because of warmer seas.

IPCC scientists are meeting in Paris, and are due to release the first stage of their findings on Friday.

The Barrier Reef is Australia’s leading tourist destination.


Queensland to drink waste water

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

People in the Australian state of Queensland will soon have to start drinking water containing recycled sewage, the state premier has warned.

Premier Peter Beattie said he had scrapped a referendum on the issue, because there was no longer a choice.

He also warned other Australian states might eventually have to do the same because of mounting water shortages.

Water is already recycled in places like Singapore and the UK, but the idea is still unpopular in Australia.

But the country is currently suffering from a severe drought – the worst on record. Last week Prime Minister John Howard declared water security to be the biggest challenge currently facing Australia, and he announced a A$10bn ($7.7bn; £3.9bn) package to tackle the problem.

Mr Beattie said that falling water levels had left his state administration with no option but to introduce recycled water in south-eastern Queensland, starting from next year.

“We’re not getting rain; we’ve got no choice,” he told ABC radio.

“These are ugly decisions, but you either drink water or you die. There’s no choice. It’s liquid gold, it’s a matter of life and death,” he said.


Climate change warning for Sydney

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

A new report on the effects of climate change in Australia paints an alarming picture of life in the city of Sydney. It warns that if residents do not cut water consumption by more than 50% over the next 20 years, the city will become unsustainable.

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation report also warns that temperatures could rise 5C above the predicted global average.

This would leave the city facing an almost permanent state of drought.

More… :arrow:

China admits to climate failings

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

China is failing to make progress on improving and protecting the environment, according to a new Chinese government report.The research ranks China among the world’s worst nations – a position unchanged since 2004.

After the US, China produces the most greenhouse gases in the world.

The Chinese report, prepared by academics and government experts, ranked the country 100th out of 118 countries surveyed.

Some 30 indicators were used to measure the level of “ecological modernisation” including carbon dioxide emissions, sewage disposal rates and the safety of drinking water.


Melting of glaciers ‘speeds up’

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

Mountain glaciers are shrinking three times faster than they were in the 1980s, scientists have announced.

The World Glacier Monitoring Service, which continuously studies a sample of 30 glaciers around the world, says the acceleration is down to climate change.

Its announcement came as climate scientists convened in Paris to decide the final wording of a major report.

There is reported to be some disagreement over what forecasts they will make for sea level rise.

But whatever form of words they agree on, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will declare that human-induced climate change is happening and needs to be tackled.


Reanalysis Of Cigarettes Confirms Tobacco Companies Increased Addictive Nicotine 11 Percent

Sunday, January 21st, 2007

– A simple truth is that corporations are profit seeking entities whose behavior is driven by their need to satisfy their stock holders. They may talk compassion and social consciousness but, usually, it is just PR. In general, large corporations, especially multi-nationals, have one simple goal – profit. When they become as powerful as governments and/or when they operate within political systems which revere Capitalism and disdain Socialism, then they become dangerous to all of us.

– This story is especially chilling because the same folks who have been sacrificing people’s health for the sake of their tobacco profits have reportedly joined forces with the likes of Exxon-Mobil to continue to sow confusion about Global Climate Change so that the profits can continue to roll in unimpeded by long term considerations of what it is all going to mean to future generations.


Science Daily  A reanalysis of nicotine yield from major brand name cigarettes sold in Massachusetts from 1997 to 2005 has confirmed that manufacturers have steadily increased the levels of this agent in cigarettes. This independent analysis, based on data submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) by the manufacturers, found that increases in smoke nicotine yield per cigarette averaged 1.6 percent each year, or about 11 percent over a seven-year period (1998-2005). Nicotine is the primary addictive agent in cigarettes.

“Our findings call into serious question whether the tobacco industry has changed at all in its pursuit of addicting smokers since signing the Master Settlement Agreement of 1998 with the State Attorneys General. Our analysis shows that the companies have been subtly increasing the drug nicotine year by year in their cigarettes, without any warning to consumers, since the settlement. Scrutiny by the Attorneys General is imperative. Proposed federal legislation has been filed by Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Ma.) that would address this abuse and bring the tobacco industry under the rules that regulate other manufacturers of drugs.”
