Archive for the ‘Climate Change’ Category

Unholy trinity set to drag us into the abyss

Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

– This article discusses the convergence of three of the factors of the Perfect Storm Hypothesis; Peak Oil, Global Climate Change and Water Shortages. It’s good that people are beginning to see that the conjunction of these factors is more worrying and significant than the fact of the isolated existence of any one of them.

– Dunlop discusses what he calls the “Tragedy of the Commons” and the fact that humanity needs to change, from the winner-take-all individualism which has created so many of the “commons” problems, to a more co-operative individualism, where managing the global and local “commons” is paramount.”

– I find his idea resonates strongly with the idea of the Cycle of Civilization expressed on Paul B. Hartzog’s Panarchy site. My only reservation is that humanity has nevergone through one of these ‘cycles’ before so there’s no certainty that we will accede to it when our changing circumstance demand that it’s time. And my fear is that in our arrogance and in our blind acting out of our biological imperatives, we will blindly go on as we are until nature itself forces the change on us to our great and enduring pain (along with the rest of the biosphere, which will also have to pay for our sins).

By Ian Dunlop in the Sydney Morning Herald of 16 Oct 06

Scorched earth

We are about to experience the convergence of three of the great issues confronting humanity. Climate change, the peaking of oil supply and water shortage are coming together in a manner which will profoundly alter our way of life, our institutions and our ability to prosper on this planet. Each is a major issue, but their convergence has received minimal attention.

Population is the main driver. In the 60 years since World War II, the world population has grown at an unprecedented rate, from 2.5 billion to 6.5billion today, with 9 billion forecast by 2050. That growth has triggered insatiable demand for natural resources, notably water, oil and other fossil fuels. Exponential economic growth in a finite world hitting physical limits is not a new idea; we have experienced limits at a local level, but we have either side-stepped them or found short-term solutions, becoming overly confident that any global limits could be similarly circumvented.

Today, just as the bulk of the world’s population is about to step on to the growth escalator, global limits emerge that are real and imminent. The weight of scientific evidence points to the fact the globe cannot support its present population, let alone an additional 2.5 billion, unless we embrace change.

Climate change, peak oil, water shortage and population are contributing to a “tragedy of the commons”, whereby free access and unrestricted demand for a finite resource doom the resource through over-exploitation. The benefits of exploitation accrue to individuals, whereas the costs are borne by all.


Agency Blocked Hurricane Report

Saturday, September 30th, 2006


The Associated Press
Wednesday, September 27, 2006; 8:34 PM

WASHINGTON — A government agency blocked release of a report that suggests global warming is contributing to the frequency and strength of hurricanes, the journal Nature reported Tuesday.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration disputed the Nature article, saying there was not a report but a two-page fact sheet about the topic. The information was to be included in a press kit to be distributed in May as the annual hurricane season approached but wasn’t ready.

“The document wasn’t done in time for the rollout,” NOAA spokesman Jordan St. John said in responding to the Nature article. “The White House never saw it, so they didn’t block it.”

The possibility that warming conditions may cause storms to become stronger has generated debate among climate and weather experts, particularly in the wake of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

In the new case, Nature said weather experts at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration _ part of the Commerce Department _ in February set up a seven-member panel to prepare a consensus report on the views of agency scientists about global warming and hurricanes.

According to Nature, a draft of the statement said that warming may be having an effect.

In May, when the report was expected to be released, panel chair Ants Leetmaa received an e-mail from a Commerce official saying the report needed to be made less technical and was not to be released, Nature reported.


Coal Said Top Enemy in Fighting Global Warming

Saturday, September 30th, 2006

OSLO – Cheap coal will be the main enemy in a fight against global warming in the 21st century because high oil prices are likely to encourage a shift to coal before wind or solar power, a top economist said on Thursday.

Coal emits far more greenhouse gases, blamed by most scientists for a rise in world temperatures, per unit of energy when burnt in power plants or factories than oil or natural gas.

“The most important environmental problem in the 21st century is coal, or you could say coal is the most important enemy,” Ottmar Edenhofer, chief economist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, told Reuters.

“Coal is cheap, it is plentiful and it is quite evenly distributed over the entire planet,” he said, noting that oil was more concentrated in a few regions such as the Middle East.

Many countries, led by the United States, are trying to create “clean coal” technologies to strip heat-trapping gases from the exhausts of power plants or factories. The gases could then be buried below ground.

“Coal plays an important geopolitical role, and for the next 300 years it will be plentiful,” he said. With oil prices above about US$50-US$60 a barrel “then it is competitive to go from liquids to coal”.

Electricity can be generated more cheaply and easily from coal than from renewable energy sources.

Without restraints on greenhouse gases from coal “the next substitution process is not from oil to wind power, or to solar power or to biomass,” he said. “The next step would be liquids to coal,” he said.


India Digs Deeper, but Wells Are Drying Up, and a Farming Crisis Looms

Saturday, September 30th, 2006

This problem extends further than just the Indian Subcontinent. Globally, important water tables are falling and mountain winter snow packs are deminishing. And these water supplies are the life blood for millions and millions of people.  The future is coming upon us like a train but few seem to hear the whistle and the roar of it yet.


TEJA KA BAS, India – Bhanwar Lal Yadav, once a cultivator of cucumber and wheat, has all but given up growing food. No more suffering through drought and the scourge of antelope that would destroy what little would survive on his fields.

Today he has reinvented himself as a vendor of what counts here as the most precious of commodities: the water under his land.

Each year he bores ever deeper. His well now reaches 130 feet down. Four times a day he starts up his electric pumps. The water that gurgles up, he sells to the local government — 13,000 gallons a day. What is left, he sells to thirsty neighbors. He reaps handsomely, and he plans to continue for as long as it lasts.

“However long it runs, it runs,” he said. “We know we will all be ultimately doomed.”


– this article is from the NY Times.  They require you to register to read their stuff but registration is free and easy.

CNN Fact Checks Inhofe’s Diatribe Against Global Warming Science

Thursday, September 28th, 2006

– This fellow, Senator Jim Inhofe, a Republican from Oklahoma, is Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Environment.  If that’s not scary, nothing is.  He apparently disbelieves in Global Warming though one has to wonder if the $850,000 he took in as campaign donations from the oil and gas industry had anything to do with it.  The U.S. has lagged very badly on coming up to speed with the rest of the world and this man is one of the major roadblocks.  How can I say this politely?  He’s an idiot and we’re all going to pay for his stupidity.   Read this one – it’s chilling!


On Monday, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) took to the Senate floor and launched into a 45-minute diatribe on global warming science. Repeating his claim that global warming is a hoax, Inhofe said, “The American people know when they are being used and when they are being duped by the hysterical left.“

In particular, he attacked the news media. According to Inhofe,  during the past year, “The American people have been served up an unprecedented parade of environmental alarmism by the media and entertainment industry.”

This morning, CNN hit back with a segment documenting that virtually everything Inhofe said was flatly contradicted by the facts.


California gets greenhouse gas law

Thursday, September 28th, 2006

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) — In a move backers hope will change the U.S. approach to the problem of global warming, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a law on Wednesday aimed at reducing the state’s greenhouse gas emissions.

“We have begun a bold new era of environmental protection here in California that will change the course of history,” the Republican governor said.

The measure passed by the Democratic-led Legislature last month caps the state’s man-made greenhouse gas emissions. The most populous U.S. state seeks to reduce its emissions to 1990 levels by 2020, a cut of about 25 percent.


Scientists shocked as Arctic polar route emerges

Thursday, September 21st, 2006

PARIS (AFP) – European scientists voiced shock as they showed pictures which showed Arctic ice cover had disappeared so much last month that a ship could sail unhindered from Europe’s most northerly outpost to the North Pole itself.

The satellite images were acquired from August 23 to 25 by instruments aboard Envisat and EOS Aqua, two satellites operated by the European Space Agency (ESA).

Perennial sea ice — thick ice that is normally present year-round and is not affected by the Arctic summer — had disappeared over an area bigger than the British Isles, ESA said.

Vast patches of ice-free sea stretched north of Svalbard, an archipelago lying midway between Norway and the North Ple, and extended deep into the Russian Arctic, all the way to the North Pole, the agency said in a press release.

“This situation is unlike anything observed in previous record low-ice seasons,” said Mark Drinkwater of ESA’s Oceans/Ice Unit.


Hired guns aim to confuse

Thursday, September 21st, 2006

Written by David Suzuki – July 21st, 2006

Al Gore once told me that to get politicians to listen, you have to engage the people first. The former vice president is attempting to do just that this summer with his critically acclaimed global warming documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.” But he’s up against some pretty powerful opponents.His movie, by most standards, is pretty good. Rotten Tomatoes, a website that compiles movie reviews from newspapers, television and the internet, shows that 92 per cent of critics liked it. A story by the Associated Press on experts who critiqued the science behind the movie found that they too gave it a thumbs up for accuracy. Personally, I thought it was brilliant.But shortly after the Associated Press article came out, other articles started popping up that said Mr. Gore’s science was shoddy. People claiming to be experts wrote opinion pieces in newspapers decrying the film, Mr. Gore, and the “theory” of global warming in general. Contrarians, it seemed, were coming out of the woodwork. What happened?

What happened was a well-funded campaign to discredit the film and carpet bomb North Americans with confusing and contradictory information about the science of global warming. It appears to be having an effect too. Recent polls I’ve seen indicate that while the public is very concerned about climate change, they are still confused about the science.

Those who read science journals probably find this public confusion, well, confusing. While there is plenty of discussion in scientific circles about what precisely a changing climate will mean to people in various parts of the world, there is no debate about the cause of global warming (human activities, mostly burning oil, coal and gas), or about the fact that it is already having an effect and that those effects will become more and more pronounced in coming years.

Yet, there they are in the editorial and opinion pages, supposed experts writing about the grand global warming conspiracy perpetuated by Europeans. Or socialists. Or European socialists. Those in the know can laugh off such nonsense. But the problem is, most people aren’t in the know. Average citizens are busy people and they are not experts in climate science, so naturally they tend to defer to people who appear to know what they’re talking about.

Unfortunately, masquerading as an expert in the media is pretty easy. All you need are a few letters after your name and a controversial story to tell. That makes news. And there’s no shortage of public relations people willing to spin a good tale – usually for a tidy profit. Companies pay big bucks to have these spin doctors work their magic and make sure the industry line gets heard.

But even some of public relations’ best-known spin doctors are disgusted by what’s going on right now over global warming. Jim Hoggan is one. He’s a personal friend who happens to be president of one of western Canada’s largest public relations firms, James Hoggan and Associates. And he’s so appalled at what he says is deliberate manipulation of public opinion about this issue that he’s started a website called to debunk the global warming skeptics.

Jim writes in his blog: “There is a line between public relations and propaganda – or there should be. And there is a difference between using your skills, in good faith, to help rescue a battered reputation and using them to twist the truth – to sow confusion and doubt on an issue that is critical to human survival. And it is infuriating – as a public relations professional – to watch my colleagues use their skills, their training and their considerable intellect to poison the international debate on climate change.”

Well said, Jim. His blog makes fascinating reading. It names names and follows the money trail – often leading back to big U.S. conservative organizations and fossil fuel giants. Jim’s making it his mission to expose the liars and the frauds and he’s doing a pretty good job.

Al Gore was right, the people do have to be engaged before politicians will listen. But engaging the people sometimes requires clearing the air first.

Original article…

Branson makes $3 billion climate pledge

Thursday, September 21st, 2006

Sir Richard Branson is to invest $3bn (£1.6bn) to fight global warming.

The Virgin boss said he would commit all profits from his travel firms, such as airline Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Trains, over the next 10 years.

“We must rapidly wean ourselves off our dependence on coal and fossil fuels,” Sir Richard said.

The funds will be invested in schemes to develop new renewable energy technologies, through an investment unit called Virgin Fuels.

One of the UK’s best known entrepreneurs, Sir Richard made the announcement in New York on the second day of the Clinton Global Initiative, an annual conference hosted by former US President Bill Clinton.Sir Richard, 56, said that transport and energy companies “must be at the forefront of developing environmentally friendly business strategies”.


Ice core analysis adds to climate concern

Saturday, September 16th, 2006

Ice core records from Antarctica show the current levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are higher now than at any time in the past 800,000 years and increasing at an unprecedented rate.

The analysis, announced by researchers with the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), is further evidence that humans are adding large amounts of the heat-trapping gas to the planet’s atmosphere and causing significant changes to the climate.

The 3.2-kilometre East Antarctica ice core is the deepest ever removed and its air bubbles provide evidence of the composition of the atmosphere over the past 800,000 years ago. BAS scientists report the core shows there have been eight cycles of atmospheric change in that time frame when levels of carbon dioxide and methane, another greenhouse gas, peaked – and each has been accompanied by warming in the climate.

But the current peak levels are far above anything seen in past cycle and the rate of change is alarming, the scientists said.
