– An interesting map of how stable the world’s nations are considered to be by the folks at Foreign Policy Magazine.
– Just click this link, and it will take ou to the map:Â ➡
– Regarding the general rape of the world for profits by the big corporations, I’ve long held that once they do manage to pull the pillars down around us by crashing the environment and the world’s economies, they will take their earnings and go and hide away in high security enclaves living the good life that only big money can buy.  Yes, they’ll be living well, insulated from the consequences of their rampant greed while the rest of us are left to slug it out for survival in what remains.
– This article may be the first we see like this.  Remember it when you think to yourself in the future, “I wonder where those bastards went?“
= = = = = = = = = = =
The plans of a Swiss canton to attract the super-rich by offering them the chance to buy property in exclusive, previously out of bounds locations has sparked a political row and accusations that the country is encouraging apartheid of the rich and poor.
The canton of Obwalden is planning to launch “special living zones” for millionaires in an attempt to boost its tax take by luring the wealthiest residents. Like other cantons in the tax haven, Obwalden finds itself short of revenue because it has been competing with other jurisdictions to see who can offer the lowest rate of tax.
The result has been a drastic shortfall in tax revenues as people set up PO box companies to take advantage of the low rates, while contributing nothing to the local economies because they live elsewhere.
Obwalden’s answer is to lift construction bans on land reserved for agricultural use, offering the rich the chance to secure property on protected land, with the promise of spectacular views of lake and alpine landscapes.
Details of Obwalden’s plan, published in the Swiss press, suggest selling villas on an exclusive basis to those who pay high taxes or who create work in the area – “a sunny location, with low noise emissions, good amenities … as well as an unrestricted view that cannot be built on”.
The homes would be constructed on land not usually accessible to ordinary citizens, leading to accusations that the policy discriminates against less wealthy inhabitants while rewarding the rich.
More… ➡
– hat tip to Cryptogon
– I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The U.S. dollar will weaken as we go forward.  There may be momentary gains and loss cycles but the overall long term trend will be for a weaker U.S. dollar.
– Why?  Short-term Capitalistic greed over long-term nationalistic concerns.
– Virtually all the big corporations (U.S. and otherwise), have renounced any allegiance they may have had in favor of one nation or another in pursuit of wealth. If sending U.S. manufacturing and U.S. hi-tech jobs overseas results in lower costs and thus higher profits, they’ve long since done it.
– The net result? We, the United States, are no longer a wealth generating nation.  We no longer produce large quantities of things to sell the the rest of the world. We’ve sent our production capabilities out of the country and we’ve become a nation of consumers. And any nation that spends more on what it consumes than it makes on what it sells, is a nation with diminishing wealth.
– Other nations, and the U.N. itself, have realized that as the U.S. gets poorer, it makes less and less sense that our currency should remain the world’s reference currency.  The calls to move away from the U.S. dollar as the standard are increasing.  I’d say the writing is on the wall unless something fundamental changes.
– Check out the following articles that have just come out in the last few days:
China argues to replace US dollar
BRIC nations urge diverse monetary system
UN panel touts new global currency reserve system
– And check out these pieces that I reported and commented on earlier:
– George Monbiot, always one of my favorite writers, writes here on the Fishing Industry.  Just one small piece in the large gathering Perfect Storm, this industry is a perfect microcosm of the macrocosm. At all levels, there is a war between the competing drives towards short-term profits and long-term sustainability.
– In a very real way, how this contest turns out in all the micro and macrocosms will be a succinct measure of our intelligence as a species.  And I think, to the objective observer, the outcome is not looking good.
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By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian, 2nd June 2009
I live a few miles from Cardigan Bay. Whenever I can get away, I take my kayak down to the beach and launch it through the waves. Often I take a handline with me, in the hope of catching some mackeral or pollock. On the water, sometimes five kilometres from the coast, surrounded by gannets and shearwaters, I feel closer to nature than at any other time.
Last year I was returning to shore through a lumpy sea. I was 200 metres from the beach and beginning to worry about the size of the breakers when I heard a great whoosh behind me. Sure that a wave was about to crash over my head, I ducked. But nothing happened. I turned round. Right under my paddle a hooked grey fin emerged. It disappeared. A moment later a bull bottlenose dolphin exploded from the water, almost over my head. As he curved through the air, we made eye contact. If there is one image that will stay with me for the rest of my life, it is of that sleek gentle monster, watching me with his wise little eye as he flew past my head. I have never experienced a greater thrill, even when I first saw an osprey flying up the Dyfi estuary with a flounder in its talons.
The Cardigan Bay dolphins are one of the only two substantial resident populations left in British seas. It is partly for their sake that most of the coastal waters of the bay are classified as special areas of conservation (SACs). This grants them the strictest protection available under EU law. The purpose of SACs is to prevent “the deterioration of natural habitats … as well as disturbance of the species for which the areas have been designated”(1).
That looks pretty straightforward, doesn’t it? The bay is strictly protected. It can’t be damaged, and the dolphins and other rare marine life can’t be disturbed. So why the heck has a fleet of scallop dredgers been allowed to rip it to pieces?
Until this Sunday, when the season closed, 45 boats were raking the bay, including places within the SACs, with steel hooks and chain mats. The dredges destroy everything: all the sessile life of the seabed, the fish that take refuge in the sand; the spawn they lay there, reefs, boulder fields, marine archaeology – any feature that harbours life. In some cases they penetrate the seafloor to a depth of three feet. It is ploughed, levelled and reduced to desert. It will take at least 30 years for parts of the ecosystem to recover; but the structure of the seabed is destroyed forever. The noise of the dredges pounding and grinding over the stones could scarcely be better calculated to disturb the dolphins.
The boats are not resident here. They move around the coastline trashing one habitat after another. They will fish until there is nothing left to destroy then move to the next functioning ecosystem. If, in a few decades, the scallops here recover, they’ll return to tear this place up again.
More… ➡
A nuclear leak, which could have caused a major disaster, was only averted by a chance decision to wash some dirty clothes, according to a newly obtained official report.
On the morning of Sunday 7 January 2007, one of the contractors working on decommissioning the Sizewell A nuclear power station on the Suffolk coast was in the laundry room when he noticed cooling water leaking on to the floor from the pond that holds the reactor’s highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel.
As much as 40,000 gallons of radioactive water spilled out of a 15ft long split in a pipe, some leaking into the North Sea. The pond water level had dropped by more than a foot (330mm) – yet none of the sophisticated alarms in the plant sounded in the main control room.
By the time of the next scheduled safety patrol, the pond level would have dipped far enough to expose the nuclear fuel rods – potentially causing them to overheat and catch fire sending a plume of radioactive contamination along the coastline.
The HM Nuclear Installation Inspectorate’s report of the incident, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, said: “The pond could have been drained (it takes about 10 hours) before the required plant tour by an operator had taken place. In this worst-case scenario, if the exposed irradiated fuel caught fire it would result in an airborne off-site release.”
It concluded: “NII believes that there was significant risk that operators and even members of the public could have been harmed if there had not been fortunate and appropriate intervention of a contractor who just happened to be in the right plant area when things went wrong.”
More… ➡
– This story has been gathering steam for awhile: ➡, ➡, and ➡.
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The Ug99 fungus, called stem rust, could wipe out more than 80% of the world’s wheat as it spreads from Africa, scientists fear. The race is on to breed resistant plants before it reaches the U.S.
The spores arrived from Kenya on dried, infected leaves ensconced in layers of envelopes.
Working inside a bio-secure greenhouse outfitted with motion detectors and surveillance cameras, government scientists at the Cereal Disease Laboratory in St. Paul, Minn., suspended the fungal spores in a light mineral oil and sprayed them onto thousands of healthy wheat plants. After two weeks, the stalks were covered with deadly reddish blisters characteristic of the scourge known as Ug99.
Nearly all the plants were goners.
Crop scientists fear the Ug99 fungus could wipe out more than 80% of worldwide wheat crops as it spreads from eastern Africa. It has already jumped the Red Sea and traveled as far as Iran. Experts say it is poised to enter the breadbasket of northern India and Pakistan, and the wind will inevitably carry it to Russia, China and even North America — if it doesn’t hitch a ride with people first.
“It’s a time bomb,” said Jim Peterson, a professor of wheat breeding and genetics at Oregon State University in Corvallis. “It moves in the air, it can move in clothing on an airplane. We know it’s going to be here. It’s a matter of how long it’s going to take.”
More… ➡
– Hat tip to Cryptogon
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