070731 – Tuesday – St. Marys, KS

It’s raining in North East Kansas. Flood warnings in several areas near where we are. We hit a major cloud burst coming out from Topeka this morning just like yesterday. The weatherman says it may rain on and off all the time we’re here. That’s great by me – I like this warm rain. I’m just hoping for a big thumderstorm. I like the noise and excitement of it <smile>.

We’ve been having a good time visiting with Sharon’s family here at the family farm. I’ve looked around here and realized how differerent their experiences were from mine growing up. Sharon and her brothers were born here and their lives have always orbited around this land and house that her relatives homesteaded and built back in the late 19th century. I, on the other hand, was born in New York and raised in Southern California and lived in not less that 35 different places from when I was 15 until 1990 when Sharon and I married and moved to Washington State.

I hope to take some pictures later today and post them here of the farm.

I’ve been trying to talk everyone into mounting an expedition over to Manhatten to look for a nursery so we can have a look around at what running a nursery in this part of the country looks like. It’s also fun to go for a ride in a new place.

I’ve been using my spare time to read a book on Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and I think I’ve got it – which puts me a lot closer to have total control over the presentation of this blog. I’m also wanting to redo the www.woodscreeknursery.com site which our business uses. it is long overdue for a face-lift.

Cheers from Pottawattamie County in Northeastern Kansas!

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